IAF Antichess World Championship 2023

I did it myself using

Preperation Starts Today! (IAF World Championship 2024)

Chess variantTournamentOver the board
My perperation is starting today for the 3rd edition IAF Antichess World Championship 2024!

Hody yall!

Today I will tell you my preperation plan for the IAF World Championship 2024


But before i tell you about my preperation, I want to tell you some things about the IAF World championship 2024


The tournament will be located in Netherlands, Amserdam. More specific Kattenburgerstraat 150.


Game rules


1- If you’re the first name on the match draw sheet, then you play white.

The match draw sheet also has a table number, so it’s easy to find out where you need to sit.

2- The player playing the black pieces decides on which side of the table the chess clock will be.

3- During the game, both players must make their chess moves and press the chess clock with

the same hand.

4- An offered handshake before the game may not be declined.

5- You can only press the chess clock when all pieces are upright and in the correct square.

6- When you touch a chess piece, you must move with that piece.

7- You may not touch chess pieces when it’s your opponent’s turn. If something is not right,

please stop the clock, write down your last move and call for the referee.

8- If your opponent made an illegal move, press the chess clock (don’t stop the chess clock) and

tell him/her that another move had to be made.

9- If your opponent made an illegal move and you’ve made a move as well and pressed the

chess clock, then the game will continue. You must spot the illegal move before you press

the chess clock yourself.

10- The referees will not call out an illegal move.

11- When the game is finished, please note the score and make sure both players sign the score


General Tournament Rules and code of conduct

Richard and André are head referees of the tournament. Several other referees will be present who

can also make rulings. You may appeal rulings, however, by asking for the head referees to make a

determination. The decision of Richard or André will be the final ruling.

When you need the help of the referee, please stop the chess clock and make a note of the last

move played. The clock will be restarted by the referee after:

A ruling is adjudicated;

No appeal by either player is requested.

If one of the players chooses not to continue after the ruling, they will forfeit the game.

If you want to go to the toilet during a game, you have to give your phone to one of the referees

who’ll return it when you get back.

Uneven number of players


In case there’s an uneven number of players, André & Richard will play to make sure all players have

an opponent.


At the venue, they have a reasonable number of snacks (some typical Dutch ones). Fricadel and

meatballs, toasties, croquettes, fries, cheese and ham sandwiches.

If none of this is to your liking, we could ask them to have some other (simple) options. Please notify

The organizators what other options you might prefer or if you have any food allergies.

Beverages on average are below 2 eurosimage.png

General Tournament Rules and code of conduct


Richard and André are head referees of the tournament. Several other referees will be present who

can also make rulings. You may appeal rulings, however, by asking for the head referees to make a

determination. The decision of Richard or André will be the final ruling.

When you need the help of the referee, please stop the chess clock and make a note of the last

move played. The clock will be restarted by the referee after:

A ruling is adjudicated;

No appeal by either player is requested.

If one of the players chooses not to continue after the ruling, they will forfeit the game.

If you want to go to the toilet during a game, you have to give your phone to one of the referees

who’ll return it when you get back.

Swiss Set Up

The tournament will be using the Swiss format.

Basically this means that players will be paired with opponents that scored (around) the same


With less players than rounds, everybody will play each other at least once. But after that, the

format will continue Swiss.

Match Sheet


The orgonizers will hanout match sheets that you may or may not fill in, The correctly filled in match sheets will be entered in the Lichess’ database later. ’So, they will count towards my rating?’’

No... they will not!



Venue opens at 09:00.... Please be on time so the draw can be done a bit early.

All games will be 5 minutes with a 5 second bonus per move. Every round will start 5 minutes after the

last game ended of the previous round ended.

10:00: First round

Before 13:00 will be the last round before the break.

Somewhere after 13:00 will be the break

14:00 First round after the break.

If another round can be played before 17:10, then that will be the last round of the day.

Sunday: Venue opens at 09:00.... Please be on time so the draw can be done a bit early.

10:00: First round

Before 13:00 will be the last round before the break.

Somewhere after 13:00 will be the break

14:00 First round after the break.

If another round can be played before 17:10, then that will be the last round of the day.

Somewhere after 17:30: Award Ceremony


Public Transport

Unlimited use of Amsterdam public transport with an OV chip card

If you're using public transport in Amsterdam and beyond, the public transport chip card (OVchipkaart) is used for travel on trams, buses and metros. The most convenient option for visitors is a

disposable one-hour card or day card (valid for one to seven days). One-hour tickets can

be bought from the conductor or driver on the tram or bus. Day tickets can be bought on the tram or

purchased in advance. Day cards can not be bought from the driver on the bus. Tickets are valid

across the whole network from the first use, allowing you to take as many journeys as you choose

within your chosen time-frame.

Paying with cash on public transport

Amsterdam is working towards making public transport completely cashless. Tickets can only be

purchased using debit or credit as of 26 March 2018. Cash is no longer accepted on buses and trams.

These cards are valid: V-pay, Maestro, VISA, Mastercard, JCB, Diners Club, Union Pay and American




If you’re comfortable with riding a bike, then renting a bike is probably the cheapest option.

There are several providers and it should be easy to find a bike rent shop.

Cost will be between 10-15 euros a day.image.png

And so now that i finished telling you all about the IAF Antichess World Championship 2023 I will start telling you all about how I will be prepering for the tournament


I will be playing, analyzing, studying and doing all that stuff on this account

7 Phases

There are 5 stages/phases to my preperation:




Middle Game



Study from book

Revise what I learned

Phase one


In this stage/phase I will be studying every opening in antichess (Every opening that is good) for both colors black and white. After it i will be playing those openings against computers, in arena tournaments, swiss, playing in lobbies and playing on liantichess. In this stage/phase I hope to understand opening theory better and make less mistakes in the opening.


Phase two


In this stage/phase i will be going crazy on antichess tactics. For this i will be using multiple studys on and some more websites that can generate antichess tactics


Phase three


In this stage/phase I will be playing a crazy amount of games, Does not matter, against computer, people, arenas, swiss. But i will be playing atleast 20 games per day.


Phase four


In this stage/phase I will be goind over middle game plans studying. Also I will be studying best of the best antichess games of masters like ChangeOpening, TheUknownGuyReborn, Tetiksh1Agrawal, PepsiNGaming and my favourite yourself101010 who helped me get from 1100 to 1800 in only two months! image.png

Phase five


In this stage/phase I will be becoming better at understanding endgames and playing them. I will be using specific studies on, with my

favourite being yourself101010 study. image.png

Phase six


Surprisingly I will be playing a ton of games again. I will do that so i could practise more before the tournament and to practise what I studied, the endgames, middlegames, endgames and tactics.


Phase seven


Now you ask me "Study what?" And my answer to that is: "Learn everything from this book image.png and master it"

Phase eight


And finally, I will be revising what i have learned/studied. And hopefully i will remember everything!



I hope you enjoyed reading on how i will be prepering for the IAF World Championship 2023! image.png

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