
The best chess Opening

A word aboute Bobby Fischer...

Bobby Fischer on 31 January 1972He was born Robert James Fischer on March 9, 1943, in chicago, and grew up in Brooklyn. Bobb's development in chess was unparalleled. By time he was thirteen, he had achieved international prominence by winning what is generally known as the "Game of the Century" in 1957 he won the United States Chess Championship for the first time. He was fourteen. Bobby won or drew every single game in United States chess competition for the next four years.
In 1965 Capblanca Memorial Tournament, Bobby showed not only his great Chess ability but also his amazing stamina. Because of travel restrictions to Cuba, Boddy played all his opponents by teletype. This was undoubtedly one of his toughest tournament.

Bobby Fischer vs Ratmir Kgholmon Capablanca Memorial in 1965 , Round - 18
Bobby start the game by Opening with c4, Nf3......
1. e4, e5 2. Nf3, Nc6 3. Bb5, a6 4. Ba4, Nf6 5. 0-0 , Be7 6. Re1, b5 7. Bb3, 0-0 8. c3, d6 9. h3, Na5 10. Bc2, c5 11. d4, Qc7 12. Nbd2, Nc6 13. dxc5, dxc5 14. Nf1, Be6 15. Ne3, Rad8 16. Qe2, c4 17. Ng5, h6 18. Nxe6, fxe6 19. b4, Nd4 20. cxd4, exd4 21. a3.d3 22. Bxd3, Rxd3 23. Ng4, Kh7 24. e5, Nxg4 25. Qe4+, g6 26. Qxg4, Rf5 27. Qe4, Qd7 28. Be3, Qd5 29. Qxd5, Rxd5 30. f4, g5 31. g3, gxf4 32. gxf4, Rf8 33. Kg2, Kg6 34. Rg1, Rd3 35. Kf3+, Kf5 36. Rg7, Bd8 37. Rb7, Rg8 38. Rb8, Rg7 39. a4 h5 40. axb5, axb5 41. Rxb5, Bh4 42. Ke2, Rg2+ 43. Kf1, Rh2 44. Kg1, Re2 45. Bb6, c3 46. Kf1, Rh2 0-1