
Magnus Carlsen Withdraws Over Dress Code Dispute: A Battle Beyond the Chessboard

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It all boils down to one basic question: "Do we want to see the best players or the players that play best in formal clothing?"
I knew nothing about these rules. And no, they are not comprehensible at all. What justification can there be for “professional” clothes being necessary? What is a “professional” look anyway? That is absolutely subjective. There are no objective criteria by which to define a professional look.
Pointless rules should be abolished. And these are definitely pointless.
Can FIDE be more stupid please?
It is just a pair of jeans trousers. Brains don't use any clothing while playing chess. Just moves
Now we have a tournament that is missing its main player.
How about the ones paying for this tournament to happen?
Shouldn't the sponsors have a word here?
Good job FIDE!
@CHICO21 said in #6:
> Can FIDE be more stupid please?
> It is just a pair of jeans trousers. Brains don't use any clothing while playing chess. Just moves
> Now we have a tournament that is missing its main player.
> How about the ones paying for this tournament to happen?
> Shouldn't the sponsors have a word here?
> Good job FIDE!
@CHICO21 said in #6:
I'm glad this happened, because I think Chess is too pretentious and bourgeois as it is.
I see this as a protest against the overall snobbish culture of chess.
I like Magnus not because of his Chess ability, but because of how down to earth he is.
He's a super brain, but he's not the stereotypical Ivy league educated giga-nerd.

I like how Magnus streams half drunk with his friends partying in the background.
Magnus makes chess seem fun and cool.... Not boring and pretentious.

Ive said many times in this forum that people are too nerdy and snobbish and when average players are seeking help.
All the social failures in real life find it as an opportunity to troll well meaning people who would actually make chess more popular and main stream. Instead, the nerd culture chooses to isolate itself from popularity by trolling the average player.

This is the reason why Fortnite can get hundreds of thousands of players, and streamers who are good can actually make money from playing the game.
This bullshit culture is preventing the game from growing.

@penguingim1 Andrew Tang is my favorite player to watch, but he has to work a full-time job because Chess can't take care of him.
A player as good as Andrew should be able to make a living playing.

Make Chess Fun Again
It should be noted that FIDE is a body that supports and advocates for chess players while ensuring that the game is protected and preserved for its integrity. The regulations set forth by FIDE should not hinder exceptional talents like Magnus Carlsen, whose extraordinary skills have propelled the chess world to unprecedented heights. It is confounding and unjustifiable that the rigid enforcement of a dress code by FIDE may hinder the participation of the world's leading chess player, who also holds the prestigious World Championship title.

Magnus Carlsen's unique dominance, akin to that of chess legends like Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov, defies the norm and becomes a source of inspiration for fans around the world. FIDE should recognize and celebrate the exceptional talent that Carlsen represents and ensure that rules and policies promote rather than hinder the development of chess at its best.

If an educational institution has specific dress code rules for students and professors, the school may take action if an individual of the caliber of "Albert Einstein" wishes to deliver a lecture at the same establishment but fails to comply with the dress code. Whether or not the institution would allow this person in such a situation would likely be in favor of allowing them, as the individual's expertise and contributions would outweigh any sartorial discrepancies.

Similarly, "Magnus Carlsen", who has achieved the same level of supremacy in chess, should be welcomed and respected. If an organization like FIDE, which could be likened to an educational institution in this context, does not grant Carlsen permission and imposes a fine, it would be an unjust and dishonorable decision, deserving of condemnation. Such actions would undermine the recognition and value of talents and achievements like those of Magnus Carlsen.

The chess community must unite in support of players of Magnus Carlsen's caliber, recognizing their invaluable contributions to the sport and advocating for fair and respectful treatment within the competitive chess domain. FIDE's commitment to fostering the progress of chess should be reflected in its unwavering backing of players like Magnus Carlsen, who epitomize the pinnacle of excellence in the game.

FIDE is not able to handle higher intelligence if the person in FIDE has the same level as Magnus Carlsen. Magnus Carlsen definitely allowed in the tournament. This shows that no one is at the level of Magnus Carlsen in the chess world.