
Crush the Alien Gambit: for once and for all

I am wondering if 5... h3 is necessary in the first place. Why not 5... c5, which appears to blunt White's intentions even sooner?

Thanks -

Yes, yes, of course. 7...c5 has been the standard refutation to the "alien gambit" for decades. My friends and I knew of this move (7...c5) as early as 1988, played to disrupt White's center. As long as Black doesn't drop the Queen if White pushes 8.d5. But none of the USCF CMs I played and beat in classical chess (4 hrs plus, then, in '88 and '89) played 7...c5.

Anyway, a little late to be claiming ownership of or naming something that's been around for over 35 years.
@GLSmyth said in #2:

Simply because the alien gambit starts with 5..h6 6.Nxf7 Kxf7. The claim is that position after Move 6 is favourable for black.