
Reviewing My Games From A 15-minute Tournament

Thanks for using the lichess study medium too. It gives us our pace of working through things. And direct ability to doodle.
i can't really watch videos for long without wandering.. but I did enjoy the small chunk I saw. The studies, have persitent images i can stare at, get lost somewhere else (who knows where) and come back without having missing a thing.
Not saying this againt videos.. just that at least one person appreciates the more interactive medim. so thanks.

The portion I followed in the video before doing something else.. I could follow the apparently tactical reasonning about more ordering hesitation, but then putting it in terms of potentially strategic consequence, tactically equivalent for the center, but narrow the room for the knight, by delay a planned more so that the cramping would be on opponent knight.. The own possibly compromise on pawn push having to wait for own knight. maybe I merged things. I guess the video form has the advantage that the thinking parenthesis can be shared at the position, not in annotation inside some 2nd or third variation, that mouse scrolling would not see... and so we have to aim at the variation before knowing its idea.. etc...

I guess i am doomed either way..