

11 members

An Online club running regular tournaments for players. Primarily created as a space to bring together all junior players from Westmeath taking part in the community games but all are welcome.
Adult players are welcome too, to participate in tournaments and act as admins to monitor chat group etc. I would certainly encourage parents to join up and also join in some of the tournments with their kids. This can be done on a phone and laptop/PC.

For our younger players looking to improve their chess I would recommend the following.

  1. Join the team and take part in tournaments.

  2. Complete the Lichess Basics which can be found at

  3. Once you are comfortable with the basics move onto the Lichess Checkmates which can be found at

  4. If you have made it this far then congratulations, you are well on your way to becoming a strong player. Move onto the Basic Tactics section which is also found at

  5. Having completed Checkmates and Tactics sections of the Practice page move onto some puzzles and do them regularly to increase your rating:

  6. Want to compete against others in a puzzle only battle, then try your luck at Lichess Puzzle Racer - First one to the finish line wins: