
UltraBullet Prizes

We are best UltraBullet team on Lichess! Join to have a special prizes and meet a lot of new chessfriends!

Now : More than 1000 members!


Allied BattleULTRA 69th Team Battle¼+0 • UltraBullet • Rated • 1h 30mBattle of 199 teams
Liga15 Battle Bullet Team Battle½+0 • Bullet • Rated • 2h 30mBattle of 117 teams
Allied BattleULTRA 70th Team Battle¼+0 • UltraBullet • Rated • 1h 30mBattle of 199 teams
Liga16 Battle Bullet Team Battle½+0 • Bullet • Rated • 2h 30mBattle of 118 teams
Monthly Leader Prizes Arena½+0 • Bullet • Rated • 45mInner team


UltraBullet Prizes forumPlay_Chess2022 •

@GarryKasparouf said in #11: > I said it in the announcement, if you now read. > > Garry ok

UltraBullet Prizes forumGarryKasparouf •

@Play_Chess2022 said in #10: > what is this? I said it in the announcement, if you now read. Garry

UltraBullet Prizes forumPlay_Chess2022 •

what is this?

UltraBullet Prizes forumGarryKasparouf •

1 4570 2 58 3 4 4 50 5 37 6 30 7 64 8 68 9 8 10 2 11 6 12 23 13 38 14 38 15 35 16 70 17 125 18 14 19 7 20 10 21 7 22 4 23 1423 24 135 25 36 26 20 27 8 28 6 29 3 30 362 31 434 32 4 33 4 34 65 35 10 36 …

UltraBullet Prizes forumGarryKasparouf •

The classement of the team 2023 ! : See your number, and see the number of points corresponding ! 1 @GarryKasparouf 2 @Amir-miyanali 3 @Bentorov 4 @evergreengirl 5 @Manchester_FC 6 @The_Chess_Prodigy_…

UltraBullet Prizes forumGarryKasparouf •

We reached 800 members !!! Currenter is coming ! Garry

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