
Stafford 2.0

14 members

*The Swiss system stage will have 15 players. Each round will last 60 minutes, with each player having 5 minutes with 2 seconds increment for the whole game. The first round will be paired randomly, and the subsequent rounds will be paired according to the Swiss system rules123.
*The Swiss system rules are as follows:

  1. Two players may play each other only once.
    Players are paired with others of the same score, or nearest score.
  2. When possible, a player is given the white pieces as many times as he is given the black pieces.
  3. If there are an odd number of players, one player may receive a bye (a free point) in each round. The bye is normally given to the player lowest in standing

*The players will receive points based on their results: 2 point for a win, 1 point for a draw, and 0 point for a loss. The standings will be determined by the total number of points, with tiebreaks applied if necessary. The tiebreaks are:

  1. Buchholz score: the sum of the scores of all opponents faced by a player.
  2. Sonneborn-Berger score: the sum of the scores of all opponents defeated by a player plus half the scores of all opponents drawn by a player.
  3. Number of wins.
  4. Direct encounter (if applicable).

*After the Swiss system stage, the top 8 players will advance to the elimination stage.


New Stafford7+2 • Rapid • Casual5 rounds Swiss
Stafford 2.0 Tournament5+2 • Blitz • Casual3 rounds Swiss