Official Ultrabullet 2020 Championship
Welcome to the Official 2020 Lichess Ultrabullet Championship. The championship will begin by identifying the 16 strongest ultrabullet players on our site. To begin, the top 8 rated players when the competition begins, will automatically be invited. The next 4 will be decided by a ultrabullet tournament, in which the winner receives a spot in the bracket. 3 More players will be selected by popular agreement from the already determined 12 players, too join them in the group of 16. Finally, one last player will be voted upon by the entire lichess community, eventually establishing the third and final player to join our final 16.
Invitations will be sent!
Best of Luck!
Mackenzie Team Battle½+0 • Bullet • Rated • 45m | Battle of 10 teams | 4 |