
mahallah tournament

33 members

Assalamualaikum wrh wbt, welcome everyone ! We are delighted to welcome you all to the Mahallah Tournament, our final program for this semester.

We encourage everyone to play with integrity, respect, and a spirit of friendly competition. It is essential that we all play with honesty and uphold the values of fair play. Remember, the true essence of chess lies in the strategic thinking and mental stamina, not in shortcuts or unfair advantages. Cheating not only diminishes the joy of the game but also disrespects your fellow competitors.

We sincerely appreciate your participation in this tournament. Your involvement and enthusiasm are what make events like these successful and enjoyable. Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the game, every move you make is an opportunity to learn and grow. Let's ensure that this tournament reflects the highest standards of sportsmanship and mutual respect, even in a virtual environment.

Good luck to all participants !!


mahal tournament sr20+0 • Rapid • Casual5 rounds Swiss
mahal tournament br20+0 • Rapid • Casual5 rounds Swiss