
Leaderboard of BOTs

This team has the all-exclusive Bot Leaderboard!


  1. Your Bot must not be named in the Banned Bots List for any of the following reasons:
    • For "farming" weaker opponents/Bots with at least an account : If someone "farm" with an account, all his other accounts will be banned from the leaderboard
    • For playing only against human opponents with your Bot.
    • For playing too often against other Bots that you own/operate (or "siblings").
    • Or any other reason
      IMPORTANT NOTE : The Banned team has been closed since the bans are now private
  2. Your Bot must have played at least 1 rated game in the week in that respective Variant/Game type.
  3. Your Bot must not have Provisional Rating (with a ?) in that respective Variant/Game type.
  4. Your Bot must not have a mark that indicates violation of Lichess' Terms of Service.
  5. Your Bot must have played at least 50 rated games in that respective Variant/TC.
  6. Your Bot must have a rating deviation lower than 75, in Standard Chess, and lower than 65 in Variants.

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