IOTEH Iron Rook
Команда клуба IOTEH Iron Rook ставит своей целью победу в турнире Rapid League.
/ The IOTEH Iron Rook club team aims to win in Rapid League tournament.
🏆 Выигранные турниры / Won tournaments:
23.09.2024 105th Rapid League 3A: igrok1993🥉
19.09.2024 Lichess Liga 6A: cheliv💎
14.09.2024 BEAUTY AUTUMN ARENA: zorin1974🥇, POKAGIMAT🥉
14.09.2024 11th Saturday Classical 30+10: POKAGIMAT🥇
10.09.2024 Blunder Masters 4: RGMARTIN🥇
09.09.2024 103rd Rapid League 3A: D_oragon🥈
08.09.2024 Emanuel Lasker memorial: POKAGIMAT🥇, zorin1974🥉
07.09.2024 11th Saturdays Blitz 3+2 Team: APavel73🥇
01.09.2024 3rd Classical League 1: APavel73🥉
24.08.2024 10th Saturdays Blitz 5+0: cheliv🥇, APavel73🥉
18.08.2024 2nd Classical League 1: Tmaten3🥇, cheliv🥈
15.08.2024 Lichess Liga 6B: APavel73🥈
11.08.2024 Lichess Liga 7B: OwnYulix🥇
10.08.2024 10th Saturday Classical 30+10: andrey63luka🥇, zorin1974🥈
07.08.2024 LiveChess Friendly Struggle: APavel73🥇, SergeyKorolev1979🥇
04.08.2024 1st Classical League 1: K1NRICH💎
28.07.2024 Rapid Revolution: andrey63luka🥇, YugiLover001🥉
25.07.2024 Lichess Liga 7C: APavel73🥈
17.07.2024 Champions 2: APavel73🥇, cheliv🥉
15.07.2024 95th Rapid League 3A: APavel73🥈, Vova2804🥉
06.07.2024 Classical Revolution: Ya_Ilya🥉, APavel73🥉
30.06.2024 Rapid Revolution: markkuraitanen🥉
26.06.2024 Blitz Revolution: cheliv🥇
23.06.2024 Rapid Revolution: cheliv🥇, Vova2804🥈
22.06.2024 Classical Revolution: cheliv🥇
18.06.2024 KTC Rapid Day 30: Reuf🥈, Yulix🥉
15.06.2024 Rapid Revolution: OwnYulix🥇, YugiLover001🥈, Yulix🥉
12.06.2024 Blitz Revolution: Reuf🥇, Sergey_Bor🥈, OwnYulix🥉
08.06.2024 Rapid Revolution: APavel73🥈, Sphob23🥉
27.05.2024 88th Rapid League 4C: Lary01🥇, APavel73🥈, Yulix🥉
25.05.2024 KTC Rapid Day 21: Reuf🥈, krasheninnikov🥉, Magnus_Klaxonne🥉
22.05.2024 Blitz Revolution: Reuf🥈, APavel73💎
18.05.2024 Saturday Classical 30+10: OwnYulix💎
12.05.2024 Rapid Revolution: OwnYulix🥉
08.05.2024 Blitz Revolution: OwnYulix🥈
Batlipella brithday prize Team Battle3+0 • Blitz • Rated • 12h | Battle of 194 teams | 375 | |
Blitz Revolution Team Battle3+2 • Blitz • Rated • 3h 30m | Battle of 140 teams | 44 | |
1ªJ LIGA IBERA 2024-25 2D Team Battle3+3 • Blitz • Rated • 1h 30m | Battle of 81 teams | 97 | |
12th Open Classical League Team Battle30+10 • Classical • Rated • 6h | Battle of 131 teams | 105 | |
5th Classical League 1 Team Battle15+15 • Classical • Rated • 5h | Battle of 10 teams | 132 |