

1 member

Buna , In aceasta echipa voi face turnee care se vor numi Grupa19 vom avea turnee swiss si turnee in echipe.
In aceasta echipa nevom sustine uni pe alti vom bate restul echipelor si vom fi cei mai buni !
Cei care vor juca cel mai bine si vor aduce unele ditre cele mai multe pucte in turnee ii voi face lideri !!


Hi, In this team I will do tournaments that will be called Group 19 we will have swiss tournaments and team tournaments.
In this team we will support each other, we will beat the rest of the teams and we will be the best!
Those who will play the best and will bring some of the most points in the tournaments I will make them leaders !!


Grupa19¼+0 • UltraBullet • Rated1 round Swiss
Grupa19¼+0 • UltraBullet • Rated1 round Swiss