

Please click the tournament link at least 5 minutes before 7:Pm on the scheduled date .
The tournament will be a 7 round swiss league format. ( You are required to play all Seven rounds regardless of the result of your games )
There will be a 10 seconds break after each round .
After you complete your match , go to the options button (left corner of the phone screen which looks like a 3 line button ) click back to the tournament and wait for your next pairing . Do this after each round to maintain your pairing .
All games will be scrutinised and scanned for maintaining fair play . If anyone is caught using unfair means , he\she will be immediately banned from the tournament and will also not be allowed to participate in future all GHCA (Garo hills chess Association) online tournaments too .
For those who want to play on your android lichess app , click the tournament link , go to the browser , wait for your round to start . Once your round starts ,quickly go to the android app , click the small board at the right top corner of the screen and your game will be displayed on your app .
For further queries , please contact
Bensing G. Momin ( Co-ordinator )
Whatsapp 9089540916
Calling 9089540916


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