
Chess Is Dimond

6 members

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Tournaments were aimed at all chess players, regardless of age, country, or level of play. 1500 special prizes, were distributed among winners of a random draw (raffle). Inspired by the Olympic Creed, we give a winning chance to everyone and reward involvement and participation. The major prize was 64 one-week invitations to the 2021 Chess Olympiad in India To check if you are on the list of winners, have a look here:
Saw your name among the winners? Don't forget to claim the prize! Please contact us by sending an email to

• player’s nickname
• player’s real name
• player’s email address
• player’s home address (only for players who won Checkmate Coronavirus Souvenirs) All the details - We believe in providing a positive and friendly environment for kids to enhance their life skills through the Lens of Chess. We believe that every individual is a potential genius. Astro Chess school combines is a humble attempt by a couple of youngsters at popularizing the game of chess as an art.
Chess had been an intricate part of how it developed us so we wanted to share the experience and the joy of playing Chess with all! and please sign in at and "We are the Protoss. Children of ancient gods. We are the Firstborn. And we shall be the last left standing." -- Hierarch Artanis

The Protoss Firstborn is a sapient humanoid species native to Aiur. Their advanced technology complements and enhances their psionic mastery.
The main Protoss cultural groups are the Khalai, who adhere to the communal Khala, and the Nerazim, who reject the Khala. Two smaller cultural branches of the Protoss, the Tal'darim and the Purifier, separated from the Khalai over respective ideological differences.
Protoss civilization was reunified when the Khalai and Nerazim, sundered since the Discord, were reunited after the devastation of Aiur by the zerg during the Great War.