
BOT Title

10 members

These Are The Title :

BOT Candidate Master (BOTCM) = Highest Rating should up to 2000+
BOT National Master (BOTNM) = Highest Rating should up to 2100+
BOT Fide Master (BOTFM) = Highest Rating should up to 2200 - 2300
BOT International Master (BOTIM) = Highest Rating should up to 2400+
BOT Grand Master (BOTGM) = Highest Rating should up to 2500 - 2750 BOT Super Grand Master (BOTSGM) = Highest Rating should up to 2800+

There are title can be claim and just for bot after playing 500 games in standard (Except Classical), (if u only play one time control and already 500 games u can claim the title).