Chat room
- Erwin1888
Easy - immortal24
why ke2? - IcyDeath007
why cant we go kd2 or kf2 in Exercise 2??? - NoseKnowsAll
@IcyDeath007 I wrote that this is absolutely correct as well. lichess only lets me accept one answer though. - IcyDeath007
you are doing an amazing job - OjasviLion
Wow so intresting - OjasviLion
Hi - OjasviLion
I am from India - tosunmeister
thx for this education guys you're amazing z - LightSquareClev
Hi Thanks for great lessons God bless - NoseKnowsAll
I'm curious how many people are coming to this study from the lichess "Staff picks" - NoseKnowsAll
Let me know if that's where you've come from! - TheMKeyHolder
i was just searching for beginner stuff - TheMKeyHolder
because i'm like 540 lol - poultrydefence
I found this study from the staff picks and it has helped me understand how better to postion my king in the endgames. - aditya_1234as
Found this study from staff pick.. - youssef3068
this is very great - Kasui
Staff pick too ! - Technoblade69420
whats a long queen @noseknowsall - Technoblade69420
in chapter 10 - NoseKnowsAll
@Technoblade69420 it was a typo. Should have read as "a lone queen!" - Technoblade69420
ik makign a joke lol - vidyasagarv
In Chapter 8, what does "king-less checkmate" mean? - NoseKnowsAll
@vidyasagarv it means you can checkmate without needing to involve the king at all - BOT Aiden_987
this is the best endgame - BOT Aiden_987
i used to do - MateoBB
ñañañañaañañañañañañañañaña - iplayChess10
this is a great study - Operation_Dynamo
On chapter 9, Kd2 should be a valid move - Pedro_passos13
on 12, after 3.Kf6 andKe8, do Rh7, then opponent will move - Pedro_passos13
ALWAYS keep this diagonal pattern till Ka8, then move Kb6, the opponent is forced to opposition and then CHECKMATE with Rh8# - NoseKnowsAll
@Pedro_passos13 that's a good idea and quite similar to the technique I introduce in chapter 13 - ramnarayanav
Good - AanyaBose
3.Kf6 - AanyaBose
i like te exersize "3.Kf6 " - AanyaBose
the - D3f1n3d
ty very much - Champ06012016
Kd6 - Champ06012016
"3.Kf6 " - BuzzHari
Great study, thanks! - brouillard43
super thx a lot!!! - herobrineImposter
wont work Smythb777 was timed out 15 minutes by a page mod (not a Lichess mod) - msteen
Instead of 4. Kd2, I would play 4. Rb5+ Ka8 5. Qa3# - jimenacavazos
No entiendo - splashz
thanks for the trick in the ladder mate - splashz
the 2 rook shuffle is a little hard - jamesz88
zxc - OusmaneTheGamer
.. - SAH4HugoB
hello - cutiepatotie13
brah - cutiepatotie13
good - cutiepatotie13
wb u - cutiepatotie13
so what u been up to - cutiepatotie13
brah - cutiepatotie13
hi guys - cutiepatotie13
hi - cutiepatotie13
brah FatSealEat was timed out 15 minutes by a page mod (not a Lichess mod) - mike-bear
gi - mike-bear
hoi - Vel001
that is not ladder mate it s kill box mate - Kramopolis
do it Ray - NoseKnowsAll
I'm very impressed 3000 people enjoyed this study. Glad to see it helped! - agovi5
Thank you for this I used this to help tech my sister! - FrogLife95
hi - Borlinator
hello - PuddleKing
Nerd - Borlinator
i like you friend! - PuddleKing
Aw, same >3 - chessmina711
Ello - NexyGuy
? - Calm_Panda
hi - TonyyIbanez
hi - TappuButBetter
imagine not knowing this tho - TappuButBetter
Chapter 2, I mean - Mattias789
hel] - Mattias789
llllo - Himynania
hii - salty_vibez
love the ender's game reference - Beluthar
Ender's Game was indeed quite the book and movie. id love to read the others. - impregnantlmao
hi - Jean117
Speaker for the dead, the second ender book is really good - mclovinsbeans
yoooo - loma-baldsson
i love - MaryLea
How can I share a link for this study? I have a gang of chess kids I want to send it to! - NoseKnowsAll
@MaryLea Just copy+paste the study's URL at the top to anyone - limacesaine
hello - limacesaine
" When two kings are in opposition, the player who has to move their king FIRST must give up ground." - limacesaine
Why ? - limacesaine
ok i think i understood - Aakulv
Nice study - Hello0987654321
In chapter 20 there stockfish says there is a forced mate in 32 moves! - Chenyan
It is actually mate in 22 moves, not 32. - RishikaPlaysChess
Maybe in chapter 10 why dont black king and white queen play simon says like king goes up queen also goes up like opponent is simon - NoseKnowsAll
@RishikaPlaysChess that might work, but you have to worry about stalemates anyway. The correct queen moves will be the same! - hasanndd123
in #4 why the rook must be closer to the black king? - hasanndd123
ok! i understand - shaun_vking
hi MeenaAyala was timed out 15 minutes by a page mod (not a Lichess mod) - chesplayr
hi - kokul12
hi - Benlyfl
hi - kasishp
hi - Oliver_Griffith
great study! - kasishp
N - kasishp
Ooo - kasishp
!!! - disrespect04
helo - Marino_2zan
helo - godgamer49
poo - MAHZID
Hi - FierceStriker
Great Study! - blunder_gal
K - LogicalPhallusy
howdy - dheeranavin
hi UWOsorio was timed out 15 minutes by a page mod (not a Lichess mod) - RhineX
hello NABARAJ-SAIKIA, why do you keep leaving and rejoining this page - tisapi
hi - Dimitrios-M
hi - abhaayy
Great Study - SolangeloForever
Hi - Stycorr
hallo - GreatSmartBoy
i am below 1600 and it was helpful in my games - yavi18
hi - ScytheAR
If you're looking for more advanced endgame positions that are equally important, please check out Intermediate Endgames You Must Know instead:
Throughout this study, I will also provide general endgame tips that these important endgames showcase. Whenever this general advice occurs, I'll write it just like this:
PRO TIP: Always bring your king up in the endgame!
If you find this study useful, please heart it and share it with any friends!