Welcome to another instructive study by NoseKnowsAll. This interactive study is for newer players and those <1600 lichess, taking you through the absolutely most important endgames to master. For those of you at the lower end of this rating range, take your time and try to see why other ideas may not work out. For those at the top, master these positions so you can nail them in blitz games!

If you're looking for more advanced endgame positions that are equally important, please check out Intermediate Endgames You Must Know instead:

Throughout this study, I will also provide general endgame tips that these important endgames showcase. Whenever this general advice occurs, I'll write it just like this:

PRO TIP: Always bring your king up in the endgame!

If you find this study useful, please heart it and share it with any friends!
  1. Erwin1888 Easy
  2. immortal24 why ke2?
  3. IcyDeath007 why cant we go kd2 or kf2 in Exercise 2???
  4. NoseKnowsAll @IcyDeath007 I wrote that this is absolutely correct as well. lichess only lets me accept one answer though.
  5. IcyDeath007 you are doing an amazing job
  6. OjasviLion Wow so intresting
  7. OjasviLion Hi
  8. OjasviLion I am from India
  9. tosunmeister thx for this education guys you're amazing z
  10. LightSquareClev Hi Thanks for great lessons God bless
  11. NoseKnowsAll I'm curious how many people are coming to this study from the lichess "Staff picks"
  12. NoseKnowsAll Let me know if that's where you've come from!
  13. TheMKeyHolder i was just searching for beginner stuff
  14. TheMKeyHolder because i'm like 540 lol
  15. poultrydefence I found this study from the staff picks and it has helped me understand how better to postion my king in the endgames.
  16. aditya_1234as Found this study from staff pick..
  17. youssef3068 this is very great
  18. Kasui Staff pick too !
  19. Technoblade69420 whats a long queen @noseknowsall
  20. Technoblade69420 in chapter 10
  21. NoseKnowsAll @Technoblade69420 it was a typo. Should have read as "a lone queen!"
  22. Technoblade69420 ik makign a joke lol
  23. vidyasagarv In Chapter 8, what does "king-less checkmate" mean?
  24. NoseKnowsAll @vidyasagarv it means you can checkmate without needing to involve the king at all
  25. BOT Aiden_987 this is the best endgame
  26. BOT Aiden_987 i used to do
  27. MateoBB ñañañañaañañañañañañañañaña
  28. iplayChess10 this is a great study
  29. Operation_Dynamo On chapter 9, Kd2 should be a valid move
  30. Pedro_passos13 on 12, after 3.Kf6 andKe8, do Rh7, then opponent will move
  31. Pedro_passos13 ALWAYS keep this diagonal pattern till Ka8, then move Kb6, the opponent is forced to opposition and then CHECKMATE with Rh8#
  32. NoseKnowsAll @Pedro_passos13 that's a good idea and quite similar to the technique I introduce in chapter 13
  33. ramnarayanav Good
  34. AanyaBose 3.Kf6
  35. AanyaBose i like te exersize "3.Kf6 "
  36. AanyaBose the
  37. D3f1n3d ty very much
  38. Champ06012016 Kd6
  39. Champ06012016 "3.Kf6 "
  40. BuzzHari Great study, thanks!
  41. brouillard43 super thx a lot!!!
  42. herobrineImposter wont work
  43. Smythb777 was timed out 15 minutes by a page mod (not a Lichess mod)
  44. msteen Instead of 4. Kd2, I would play 4. Rb5+ Ka8 5. Qa3#
  45. jimenacavazos No entiendo
  46. splashz thanks for the trick in the ladder mate
  47. splashz the 2 rook shuffle is a little hard
  48. jamesz88 zxc
  49. OusmaneTheGamer ..
  50. SAH4HugoB hello
  51. cutiepatotie13 brah
  52. cutiepatotie13 good
  53. cutiepatotie13 wb u
  54. cutiepatotie13 so what u been up to
  55. cutiepatotie13 brah
  56. cutiepatotie13 hi guys
  57. cutiepatotie13 hi
  58. cutiepatotie13 brah
  59. FatSealEat was timed out 15 minutes by a page mod (not a Lichess mod)
  60. mike-bear gi
  61. mike-bear hoi
  62. Vel001 that is not ladder mate it s kill box mate
  63. Kramopolis do it Ray
  64. NoseKnowsAll I'm very impressed 3000 people enjoyed this study. Glad to see it helped!
  65. agovi5 Thank you for this I used this to help tech my sister!
  66. FrogLife95 hi
  67. Borlinator hello
  68. PuddleKing Nerd
  69. Borlinator i like you friend!
  70. PuddleKing Aw, same >3
  71. chessmina711 Ello
  72. NexyGuy ?
  73. Calm_Panda hi
  74. TonyyIbanez hi
  75. TappuButBetter imagine not knowing this tho
  76. TappuButBetter Chapter 2, I mean
  77. Mattias789 hel]
  78. Mattias789 llllo
  79. Himynania hii
  80. salty_vibez love the ender's game reference
  81. Beluthar Ender's Game was indeed quite the book and movie. id love to read the others.
  82. impregnantlmao hi
  83. Jean117 Speaker for the dead, the second ender book is really good
  84. mclovinsbeans yoooo
  85. loma-baldsson i love
  86. MaryLea How can I share a link for this study? I have a gang of chess kids I want to send it to!
  87. NoseKnowsAll @MaryLea Just copy+paste the study's URL at the top to anyone
  88. limacesaine hello
  89. limacesaine " When two kings are in opposition, the player who has to move their king FIRST must give up ground."
  90. limacesaine Why ?
  91. limacesaine ok i think i understood
  92. Aakulv Nice study
  93. Hello0987654321 In chapter 20 there stockfish says there is a forced mate in 32 moves!
  94. Chenyan It is actually mate in 22 moves, not 32.
  95. RishikaPlaysChess Maybe in chapter 10 why dont black king and white queen play simon says like king goes up queen also goes up like opponent is simon
  96. NoseKnowsAll @RishikaPlaysChess that might work, but you have to worry about stalemates anyway. The correct queen moves will be the same!
  97. hasanndd123 in #4 why the rook must be closer to the black king?
  98. hasanndd123 ok! i understand
  99. shaun_vking hi
  100. MeenaAyala was timed out 15 minutes by a page mod (not a Lichess mod)
  101. chesplayr hi
  102. kokul12 hi
  103. Benlyfl hi
  104. kasishp hi
  105. Oliver_Griffith great study!
  106. kasishp N
  107. kasishp Ooo
  108. kasishp !!!
  109. disrespect04 helo
  110. Marino_2zan helo
  111. godgamer49 poo
  112. MAHZID Hi
  113. FierceStriker Great Study!
  114. blunder_gal K
  115. LogicalPhallusy howdy
  116. dheeranavin hi
  117. UWOsorio was timed out 15 minutes by a page mod (not a Lichess mod)
  118. RhineX hello NABARAJ-SAIKIA, why do you keep leaving and rejoining this page
  119. tisapi hi
  120. Dimitrios-M hi
  121. abhaayy Great Study
  122. SolangeloForever Hi
  123. Stycorr hallo
  124. GreatSmartBoy i am below 1600 and it was helpful in my games
  125. yavi18 hi
  126. ScytheAR hi