
Destroy the Italian Game with the Dark Knight Gambit!

4 • BunnyMommyIsHappy •
  1. What is the Dark Knight Gambit?
  2. Try it out!
  3. Nxf7, g3
  4. Nxf7, O-O
  1. BunnyMommyIsHappy

French Defense Tarrasch Variation + Sub French lines

6 • colt45nine •
  1. tarrash sum.
  2. French defence variations PART1: Tarrasch with 5. exd5 #1 by GM Anish Giri
  3. French defence variations PART1: Tarrasch with 5. exd5 #2 by GM Anish Giri
  4. French defence variations PART1: Tarrasch with 5. Nxd4 !! by GM Anish Giri
  1. colt45nine

anrewm's Study

1 • anrewm •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  1. anrewm

englund gambit

1 • PurpleSpikyGhost •
  1. main line trap
  2. classic trap
  3. anti englund
  4. anti englund...takes
  1. GoodPinkishKid
  2. PurpleSpikyGhost

The Story of Hans Lindehn

9 • Green_Frog96 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Hans Anton Westesson Lindehn - Adolf Ferdinand Svanberg 1-0
  3. What we know?
  4. Hans Anton Westesson Lindehn - J. I. Elfving
  1. Green_Frog96

Ultimate Guide - Danish Gambit

1810 • Green_Frog96 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Main Opening Ideas
  3. Goodbye my dear
  4. Poisoned Pawn
  1. Green_Frog96

TOP 10 Lucchini and Rousseau Gambit TRAPS (for black)

3 • lexamuray2022 •
  2. 4. d3
  3. TRAP 2
  4. TRAP 3 (INSANE)
  1. lexamuray2022

ppk19's Study

1 • ppk19 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  1. ppk19

The Queens Gambit!

514 • ChickensGoCluck •
  1. Queens Gambit Accepted
  2. Queens Gambit Declined
  3. Queens Gambit Accepted-Black plays e5
  4. The Queens Gambit
  1. ChickensGoCluck
  2. HalfaFace

The Queens Gambit!

18 • annapace •
  1. Queens Gambit Accepted
  2. Queens Gambit Declined
  3. Queens Gambit Accepted-Black plays e5
  4. The Queens Gambit
  1. annapace

Gambito Danés.

5 • L46UN35 •
  1. Main Opening Ideas.
  2. Goodbye.
  3. Poisoned Pawn.
  4. Beginner Mistake.
  1. L46UN35

Holy Gambit Grail (White)

11 • EKAFC •
  2. 1.e4: Miscellaneous Gambits (White)
  3. Alekhine Defense (White)
  4. Caro-Kann (White)
  1. Royenroy
  2. EKAFC

Hyper-aggressive openings

8 • rvew •
  1. Intro
  2. Danish Gambit
  3. The Muzio Gambit
  4. The Lolli gambit
  1. rvew

Crush Sicilian with this RARE Gambit!

1525 • Bosburp •
  1. What is the Porthsmouth Gambit?
  2. Section 1: black plays 4....d5
  3. Punishing 10....Nb8??
  4. Punishing 10....Nd8??
  1. Bosburp

from's gambit

1 • PurpleSpikyGhost •
  1. Chapter 1intraduction
  2. Chapter 2 oppppsss
  3. Chapter 3 partll(sidelines)
  4. Chapter 4 transpose
  1. GoodPinkishKid
  2. PurpleSpikyGhost

The Danish Gambit

1 • PurpleSpikyGhost •
  1. Chapter 1 intraduction
  2. Chapter 2 takes
  3. Chapter 3 black is not lost.
  4. Chapter 4 no thankyou
  1. GoodPinkishKid
  2. PurpleSpikyGhost