
😈Brilliant Checkmates😈-Part 1😈-Reinfield

610 • cocob •
  1. Checkmate 1
  2. Checkmate 2
  3. Checkmate 3
  4. Checkmate 4
  1. Pallabi2020
  2. cocob
  3. pprts1

Endgame checkmates: step-by-step

58 • Lerajie •
  1. Queen and King Checkmate
  2. * vs. training
  3. Rook and King Checkmate
  4. * vs. training
  1. Lerajie

Mate in 1, 2, & 3 for Beginners

41 • DevDarshanTK •
  1. Mate in 1
  2. Mate in 1
  3. Mate in 1
  4. Mate in 2
  1. DevDarshanTK


40 • nicktsiri •
  1. Introduction
  2. Back Rank Mate
  3. Hook Mate
  4. Anastasia's Mate
  1. andrewtsiri
  2. nicktsiri
  3. Odybiakez

Basic Checkmate pattern

39 • NM knightking64 •
  1. Checkmate Pattern 1
  2. Checkmate Pattern 2
  3. Checkmate Pattern 3
  4. Checkmate Pattern 4
  1. NM knightking64

Basic Checkmate pattern

28 • bened1ct •
  1. Checkmate Pattern 1
  2. Checkmate Pattern 2
  3. Checkmate Pattern 3
  4. Checkmate Pattern 4
  1. fajrali30
  2. Ron379
  3. sushmakr533
  4. Minavi1216

Complete Guide To Beginner Part 1 - Checkmate

24 • KingsIndian_United •
  1. Objective of the Game
  2. Example Of Checkmate
  3. Can you find a checkmate for White?
  4. Can you find a checkmate for White?
  1. raghavwaghmare
  2. aaravsinha2015
  3. AlbertoJonte2015

1) Art of Attack - uncastled King

22 • ZuccarV •
  1. Introduction
  2. Intro ch.2
  3. Basic pattern of mate 1
  4. Basic pattern of mate 2
  1. Vibes91
  2. Migarovv
  3. ZuccarV
  4. GiPi73

Magic Chess🎩🎩🎩

21 • Rune_0604 •
  1. Introduction
  2. A Really Slow Checkmate
  3. Another slow death
  1. Rune_0604

The Reti Opening Trap! 😁 2 ways to checkmate your opponent on move 10!

21 • WeiWeiGames •
  1. Variation 1
  2. Variation 2 (Oh no my queen!!)
  3. Game 1 vs 1995 (Blitz Game)
  4. Game 2 vs 1843 (Blitz Game)
  1. WeiWeiGames
  2. SpeedyWeiWei

Mate in 5 collection [Mate in X series]

20 • oooliverrr •
  1. Position 1
  2. Position 2
  3. Position 3
  1. oooliverrr

Mate in 1 collection [Mate in X series]

18 • oooliverrr •
  1. Position 1
  2. Position 2
  3. Position 3
  4. Position 4
  1. oooliverrr

Actually Checkmate Your Opponent in Less then 15 Moves

18 • Ezryn •
  1. Introduction + Beautiful Queen Sac
  2. Smothered Mate (Sicilian Game)
  3. Smothered Mate (Budapest Example)
  4. Smothered Mate (Blackmar Diemer Gambit)
  1. Ezryn

Mate in 3 collection [Mate in X series]

17 • oooliverrr •
  1. Position 1
  2. Position 2
  3. Position 3
  1. oooliverrr

4) Art of Attack - Mating Patterns

17 • ZuccarV •
  1. Queen Bishop Checkmate
  2. Arabic mate
  3. Two Knights mating pattern
  4. Back-row mate
  1. Vibes91
  2. Migarovv
  3. ZuccarV
  4. GiPi73

Q+K Mate in 1 Interactive Lesson

15 • UptownExpress •
  1. Problem 1W
  2. Problem 1WA
  3. Problem 2W
  4. Problem 3W
  1. UptownExpress