
Charlick Gambit

47 • benhunt •
  1. Full 2 knights, castling blunder
  2. Full 2 knights Bd2
  3. Full 2 knights fianchetto (common)
  4. Full Bd2 block Greek Gift
  1. benhunt

Diemer-Duhm Gambit

39 • benhunt •
  1. Accepted mainline trap
  2. Accepted Nf6 trap
  3. Accepted Bb4+
  4. Accepted f5?!
  1. benhunt

Smith-Morra Gambit

25 • benhunt •
  1. General Setup (SM Accepted)
  2. Accepted Nc6, d6 + e6 castles blunder
  3. Accepted Nc6 with a6 e6 + d6 setup
  4. Accepted e6
  1. benhunt

Steinitz vs. Scotch

9 • benhunt •
  1. Expert refutation
  2. #1 5. Nc3
  3. Advanced Nc3 Be2
  4. #2 5. Nxc6
  1. benhunt

Attacking Drills: Caro-Kann

14 • benhunt •
  1. Von Hennig Gambit: ONMQ!
  2. Von Hennig Gambit: ONMQ declined fail
  3. Von Hennig Gambit: ONMQ declined best
  4. Von Hennig b pawn sac
  1. benhunt

Jobava London System

4 • benhunt •
  1. Mainline: UrsuMajor1 vs. Muhammad-Yunus, 2021
  2. Normal e6 with Nd7??
  3. Normal e6 with c5
  4. Normal e6 later Bd6
  1. benhunt

Göring Gambit (Danish Style Double Sac)

4 • benhunt •
  1. To allow cloning :-)
  2. Ref: Danish Gambit accepted (56% win for w)
  3. Ref Haxo Gambit (60% wins for me)
  4. Danish >Kieseritzky Variation >Göring (6.3% likelihood)
  1. benhunt

Freddy Anti-Pirc

3 • benhunt •
  1. Fianchetto line
  2. Fianchetto 2
  3. To allow cloning :-)
  1. benhunt

Chernev: Logical Chess

5 • benhunt •
  1. #1: von Scheve - Teichmann (Berlin 1907)
  2. #2 Liubarski - Soultanbéieff (Liège, 1928)
  3. #4: Blackburne - Blanchard (London 1891)
  4. #5. Ruger - Gebhard (Dresden 1915)
  1. benhunt

Marsellus Wallace Anti-Vienna

2 • benhunt •
  1. 3. Bc4 exf5 Solid line (preferred)
  2. 3. Bc4 exf5 Queen Attack line
  3. 3. Bc4 exf5 Queen Attack Nf3
  4. 3. Bc4 d3
  1. benhunt

Norwegian Gambit against 1 e4 & d4

5 • benhunt •
  1. Playable against 1 e4 and 1 d4
  2. 3 e5 Norwegian Gambit Qxe5
  3. Norwegian Gambit dxe5
  4. 3 Nc3 transposition
  1. benhunt

Veresov Attack (W)

2 • benhunt •
  1. d4 d5 Bg5
  2. Mainline, black loses in 17 moves
  3. Sample game, Alburt vs. Kosteniuk 2013
  4. 3...Bf5 blunder line, bishop retreats
  1. benhunt

Leningrad vs. London

5 • benhunt •
  1. Bd3
  2. Bc4
  3. To allow cloning :-)
  1. benhunt

Classic Traps

2 • benhunt •
  1. Légal Trap
  2. To allow cloning :-)
  1. benhunt

Vienna 2...d6 Omaha Gambit

3 • benhunt •
  1. Accepted Nf6
  2. Accepted g5
  3. Accepted Qh4+
  4. Declined Nc6
  1. benhunt

Blackmar Diemer Gambit

2 • benhunt •
  1. Nf6 mainline, Teichmann, Bxf3
  2. Nf6
  3. To allow cloning :-)
  1. benhunt