

1 • Tomas_2013 •
  1. Tomas_2013


1 • bardiaberjis2 •
  1. بازی اول
  2. بازی دوم
  3. بازی سوم
  4. بازی چهارم
  1. bardiaberjis2

Game study

1 • Killectro •
  1. Scratchpad
  2. Killectro (1676) - vanev1219 (866) ️
  3. Killectro - vanev1219 ️
  4. vanev1219 - Killectro ️
  1. vanev1219
  2. Killectro


2 • eryk_k •
  1. Defense
  1. eryk_k

🏆 Sacrifice Checkmates Up 🏅 try lower than highest number of moves - which is 18.

1 • eryk_k •
  1. Sac Checkmate #1
  2. Sac Checkmate #1 (With own analysis)
  1. eryk_k

puzzle mate

1 • Lim_Yik_Yew •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  1. Lim_Yik_Yew
  2. Limyh

Solid Attacking [ Italian Game (d3) ]

2 • MisterCV •
  1. Italian Game Introduction
  2. Italian Game Bc5
  3. Italian Game Nf6
  1. MisterCV

Defensa Siciliana!!

1 • reyChesst •
  1. Introduccion
  1. reyChesst

1.b3 - Repertoire

5 • screwtherulesTTV •
  1. Home
  2. Repertoire Navigation
  3. Player Studies
  4. ️Interactive Practice
  1. OneOfYourFrenchGirls
  2. screwtherulesTTV

Stalemate and draw

6 • Palko_hra_sach •
  1. Introduction
  2. king and pawn vs king
  3. Same position 3 times can be draw
  4. Draws and stalemates from my games{not all}
  1. Palko_hra_sach


3 • YashKewalapat •
  1. Opening
  2. Speel een zet en win! 1-0 (makkelijk)
  1. YashKewalapat

Pieza colgada

2 • NewSunrise •
  1. ¿Qué es una pieza colgada?
  2. La indefensión de nuestras piezas provoca la combinación del rival
  3. Defensa inactiva
  4. ️ Herramientas | Desviación
  1. NewSunrise

Torjaeger10's Study für 08.01.

1 • Torjaeger10 •
  1. Kapitel 1
  2. Kapitel2
  3. Kapitel 3
  4. Aufgabe1
  1. Philippfalke
  2. saturn_82
  3. JayBes
  4. Zen123

La Ruy Lopez!!

1 • reyChesst •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Classic Variant!!
  3. Ruy Lopez - Berlin variant.
  4. Closed Morphy Defense
  1. reyChesst