Welcome to my first study! Featuring me! I'm new to studies but I tried really hard, I hope you like it!

In this study we will be learning about the Vienna Gambit Nf6 lines! The second most popular, but the most fun!

Make sure to like this study if you enjoyed it (if we get 15 likes, I will make more (We got 15 likes))! And feel free to use the opening explorer or Stockfish to browse around. Also, check out my other study:
1e4e52Nc3Nf63f4...In this study, we will be covering the most popular variations of the Vienna Nf6 lines!!
  1. JohnJoseph25 where are the other lines
  2. Dannyburger I am still making it
  3. ew-pawn nice
  4. Dannyburger Thanks!
  5. GoodGame3752 nice
  6. w2oli Pretty neat
  7. shin1102 Nice
  8. Dannyburger Thank you all! My next study will be for the French Defense!
  9. DashiellRobertParr Neat study, thank you
  10. Tbootpoo Good :) how about my opening next :) 1e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 qb6 !!#
  11. Phil224 I mean
  12. Dannyburger ?
  13. Phil224 like it's good
  14. Dannyburger Thank you!
  15. Phil224 but it's not finished?
  16. Dannyburger I need to add a little more
  17. Phil224 Also bruh What in the hell is troll lines
  18. Phil224 lol
  19. Dannyburger Hahaha!
  20. Dannyburger Hi absolut_5-6!
  21. NetzerG5 8 is fool mate
  22. NetzerG5 XD
  23. Dannyburger Yep :D
  24. Sreeramsp In 5th we can play in move no 4 f5,this will block the light squared bishop completely!!!