
Idea for a chessvariant : trapped piece chess all white pieces on the 6th row + one extra queen

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. All whites pieces + a extra rook on e6 7 pawns are on the 6th and 5th row,(+-)
  2. Here white got a queen on e6 instead of a rook and the rest is the same, (+-)
  3. With a queen on e6 and king on b5 instead of on e5 and the rest is the same,(-+)
  4. Whites king is on d5 instead of on e5 because the king is vulnerable there,=play
  1. IM wateenellende

A Fancy and strong idea in a 1minute game between PappaPizza and GRX in the chess variant crazyhouse

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. IM papapizza (2495) - GRXbullet (2731)
  1. IM wateenellende

Many pawns on the second and 7th row for white vs 2 rooks 2knights 2 bishops one queen and one king.

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Black is winning in this chapter
  2. Chapter 2 this start postion is balanced
  3. The Same position like in chapter 2 except for a extra white pawn on h2 +-
  4. With a King on e1 in a position like this white just wins
  1. IM wateenellende

1 Of the ingredients to create an "interesting" game, playing a very unusual and risky,sharp opening

2 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. IM wateenellende

wateenellende's Study analyses on a position where there is a line with 3knight promotions in a row

2 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 2
  1. IM wateenellende

2c3 Sicilian with 2.d5 3exd5 Qxd5 4d4 g6 5dxc5 Qxc5 6Be3 Qc7,no need 2 fear 7Bxa7,black can equalise

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. IM wateenellende

1a4 e5 2d4 exd4 3Qxd4 Ne7 4Ra3 Ng8 5Bh6 !??! nxh6 6Re3+ Be7 7Qxg7 Nxf7 line for selfcapture chess

2 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Selfcapture chess + 1a4 e5 2d4 exd4 3Qxd4 Ne7 4Ra3 Ng8 5Bh6 nxh6 6Re3+Be7
  2. 7Qxg7 ..Nxf7
  3. 8Bxe2
  4. 8..Qxd7
  1. IM wateenellende

Crazyhouse study Larso JK the bullfrog Ng3 qh2 motive in chapter 1 and Qg1 motive in chapter 2

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. GM larso (2672) - JKtheBullfrog (2614)
  2. Different position on move 18 after f4 Ra8-d8 and one pawn for black in hand.
  3. Chapter 3 Same position as in chapter 2 but with a rook on a8 instead of d8.
  4. Showing why Natg3+is not good without that pawn in hand as in chapter 1.
  1. IM wateenellende

Explaning the challenge i did in da Daily Hyper,31-9,playing with coregal chess rules its very hard

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Explaning the challenge i did during the Daily hyper for the lolz at 31-9-2023
  2. Diagram 1 from Coregal chess on zoldsakk variant site
  3. Diagram 2 from Coregal chess on zoldsakk
  4. Diagram 3 from Coregal chess on zoldsakk
  1. IM wateenellende

Some random trap vs the cow opening i think of. But the chances one fall it are not so high imo :).

2 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. IM wateenellende

Sharp random positio i made vs SF, Notice i prepped all till one point i was already totally winning

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Stockfish level 8 - IM wateenellende (1500)
  1. IM wateenellende

GRXbullet chance to get the toughest ? mate in crazyhouse i have seen in my 8 years zh experience

2 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 4
  1. IM wateenellende

wateenellende's Study draw position black to move with stafford flavour

11 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  1. IM wateenellende

Most effective early king move in chess Tim krabbe vs NN but the black player did some weird moves

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. IM wateenellende

Game study a Really neat tactic from someone but for the wrong reason

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. drgangstein (1971) - Adam-ARM (2137)
  2. Chapter 2
  1. IM wateenellende

The Cochrane gambit 1e4 e5 2Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 4Nxf7 not recommended in classical not good+not practica

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. IM wateenellende