
16 May 2024 Checkmate puzzle i found on youtube from a chess content creator.

4 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1 Long mate puzzle
  2. Puzzle + solution
  3. The History Behind the puzzle in Chapter 1 -> Westler- Krejcik Vienna 1913
  1. IM wateenellende

ZH study, i try to make a puzzle for a long mate ,made a mate puzzle in 29. based on a game vs Larso

3 • IM wateenellende •
  1. IM wateenellende (2684) - GM larso (2690)
  2. No Bishop on c8 change the whole evaluation in the position
  3. If there is no rook on a8 it make zero different for black, same mate.
  4. If the rook on a8 and the pawns on f7 and g6 are off the board its a draw !
  1. IM wateenellende

Crazyhouse study based on the theme when the tempo matters in crazyhouse.

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. GM larso (2737) - bzdybowicz (2471)
  2. The positon where its all about when i make this study after 25..exd1Queen
  1. IM wateenellende

Game study sharp zh position just a puzzle i made.

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1 i made a zh position based on a game between Zdubu vs Larso
  1. IM wateenellende

1d4 Nf6 2c4 g6 3Nc3 d5 4Nf3 bg7 5h4 !? with sharp lines in the study

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. IM wateenellende

Crazyhouse puzzle based on the game Larso-JK The Bullfrog 3+2 game played 27-4 2024

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1 Puzzle black to move.
  2. Chapter 2 Puzzle + solution
  1. IM wateenellende

A Fancy and strong idea in a 1minute game between PappaPizza and GRX in the chess variant crazyhouse

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. IM papapizza (2495) - GRXbullet (2731)
  1. IM wateenellende

Crazyhouse puzzle based on a game of Jasugi_99-GRXbullet in a game played on 21-4-2024

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Fragment of a game between Jasugi_99 and GRXBullet in crazyhouse 21-4-2024
  2. Chapter 2 Solution of the Puzzle.
  1. IM wateenellende

Tough Crazyhouse puzzle 20-4 2024 Based on a 1min Crazyhouse fragment between GRX and Larso

3 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1 Puzzle about a fragment in a game between GRXBullet and Larso.
  2. Chapter 2 Answer of the puzzle
  1. IM wateenellende

Analyses on ZH 3check Antichess King of the hill Atomic,Horde where blacks pawn on h7= on g6.

7 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Crazyhouse
  2. Three-Check
  3. Antichess
  4. King of the Hill
  1. TheFinnisher
  2. IM wateenellende

Sharing examples where the move g2-g4 is playable early in the opening.

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. IM wateenellende

Chess study with the goal to make 3..Nxf2 somewhat "sensible" vs opps who go for 3..Nxf2 regardless

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. IM wateenellende

A chance for a immorTAL zh game for Larso (But finding all the right moves would be unlikely though)

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. bzdybowicz (2474) - GM larso (2705)
  1. IM wateenellende

One of the earliest queen sac , a bit silly line tbf though 1b3 e6 2a3 ?! Qf6 ?! 3Bb2 Qxb2 !? +=

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. IM wateenellende

Crazhouse house study about tactical motifs Bb7+ Bc6+ motive and Bb7+ queen at a5 motive

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. bzdybowicz (2495) - GM larso (2689)
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  1. IM wateenellende

Rook sacrifice on move 4 with 4..Qa5 after a pretty strange opening though.

1 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. TheFinnisher
  2. IM wateenellende