
Chess Tournament

1 • varnika0102 •
  1. Varnika Nerella vs Gary Loyden 1-0
  2. Waldock Adrian vs Varnika Nerella 1/2-1/2
  1. varnika0102

Chess Tournament

1 • varnika0102 •
  1. Ananya Nerella vs Jonathan Underwood 0-1
  2. Christopher Peacock vs Varnika Nerella 1-0
  1. varnika0102

Gopi's Games

1 • varnika0102 •
  1. Demon Slay vs Gopi Nerella
  2. Gopi Nerella vs Tony Tatam
  3. Gopi Nerella vs Stephen Brund
  1. varnika0102


1 • varnika0102 •
  1. Varnika Nerella vs Nihal Roy
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  1. varnika0102
  2. ananya0102

Chess puzzles

1 • varnika0102 •
  1. Mate with white
  2. Mate with white
  1. varnika0102

Plymouth Chess Club Games

1 • varnika0102 •
  1. Stephen Brund vs Varnika Nerella 0-1
  2. Varnika Nerella vs Klaus Tewinck 1-0
  3. David Stanbury vs Varnika Nerella 0-1
  4. Gopi Nerella vs David Stanbury 1-0
  1. varnika0102
  2. connect2gopi