
Caro-Khan Advance variation: Botvinnik-Carls Defence

1 • tomeksz99 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Most common line: Nf3
  3. White c3
  4. White takes c pawn
  1. tomeksz99

London System

1 • tomeksz99 •
  1. Optimal position for white
  2. When black take your d pawn with their c pawn
  3. Black trades off black squared bishops
  4. Black wants to play e5
  1. tomeksz99

Englund Gambit

1 • tomeksz99 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Typical line
  3. You do not want to get into traps
  1. tomeksz99

London System against King's Indian Defense

1 • tomeksz99 •
  1. Introduction: you noticed black will play King's Indian
  2. Change game plan for white
  3. If Black continue with King's Indian defence
  4. Black knight to c6
  1. tomeksz99


1 • tomeksz99 •
  1. Special cases at the beginning
  2. Pawn push variation
  1. tomeksz99