
Tal's Games

19 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. Tal, Mikhail - amateur
  2. Tal, Mikhail - Gulko, Boris
  3. Tal, Mikhail - Knaak
  4. Tal, Mikhail - Leonov
  1. sassy_spice29

Build up your Chess 1

1 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. Mating Motifs 1
  2. Mating Motifs 2
  3. Mating Motifs 3
  4. Mating Motifs 4
  1. sassy_spice29

Alpha Zero vs. Stockfish

1 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. AlphaZero - Stockfish 8
  2. AlphaZero - Stockfish 8
  3. AlphaZero - Stockfish 8
  4. AlphaZero - Stockfish 8
  1. sassy_spice29


1 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. 23-7
  2. 23-8
  3. 23-9
  4. 23-10
  1. sassy_spice29

e4 Studies

1 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. Part 1: Unsound Lines
  2. Latvian Gambit 2. ..., f5?
  3. Damiano Defense 2. ..., f6?
  4. Elephant Gambit 2. ..., d5?
  1. sassy_spice29

Najdorf Studies

1 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. 6. Be2
  1. sassy_spice29

Ideas from Coaches

2 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. French Defense
  2. Anti-Sicilian 2. Nc3
  3. Position #1
  4. Position #2
  1. sassy_spice29

Russian Tactics for Category II Pt. 1

1 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. Chapter 1 (~9/12 in 60 min), but I didn't always find the opponent's best move
  2. 1.1
  3. 1.2
  4. 1.3
  1. IM darkhorse_98
  2. sassy_spice29

Sicilian Hyper Dragon

1 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Model Game 1
  1. sassy_spice29

Ruy Lopez (My Games)

1 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Ruy Lopez Classical where he takes!
  1. sassy_spice29

Anti-Sicilian (My Games)

1 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. Opening Ideas
  2. (Game) f4 against Sicilian
  1. sassy_spice29

Game study

1 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. gmbchess - sassy_spice29
  1. gmbchess
  2. sassy_spice29

Some Annotated GM Games

1 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. McDonnell, Alexander - De la Bourdonnais, Louis Mah
  2. De la Bourdonnais, Louis Mah - McDonnell, Alexander
  3. McDonnell, Alexander - De la Bourdonnais, Louis Mah
  4. De la Bourdonnais, Louis Mah - McDonnell, Alexander
  1. sassy_spice29

Game study

1 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. sassy_spice29 - Anon.
  1. sassy_spice29

My Annotated Games Pt. 2

1 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. 5/15/20 - I had to leave early, but lost the advantage.
  2. 5/18/20 - Pretty easy victory, but some missed sacrifices
  3. 5/18/20 - Draw but you had good attacking chances.
  4. 5/19/20 - Loss, but you gave your opponent hell
  1. Rylor3000
  2. sassy_spice29
  3. gmbchess
  4. GM Puli1234

Sicilian Sveshnikoff & Anti-Sicilians

1 • sassy_spice29 •
  1. 6. Ndb5 (the best move)... 9. c4
  2. 6. Nbd5... 9. a4
  3. 7. Bg5
  4. 6. Nb3
  1. sassy_spice29