
North Cardiff Autumn Congress

1 • najdorfcymraeg •
  1. Smith, Alun - Davies, Rhys
  2. Bagga, Khushi - Horrell, Stephen
  3. Bagga, Khushi - Swamy, Anshul
  4. Beeston, Darson - MacDonald, Duncan
  1. najdorfcymraeg

WCU League game

1 • najdorfcymraeg •
  1. Player 1 - Player 2
  1. najdorfcymraeg

Welsh U1600 Tournament

1 • najdorfcymraeg •
  1. GM - OTB Rating in the 1500s
  2. OTB Rating in the 1400s - GM
  3. GM - OTB Rating in the 1300s
  4. GM - OTB in 1400s but GM online
  1. najdorfcymraeg