
semi-slav -- chess openings explained

1 • mic00le97 •
  1. move order considerations
  2. e3
  3. Bg4
  1. mic00le97

accelerated dragon

1 • mic00le97 •
  1. modern variations
  2. maroczy 'bind'
  3. f3 yugoslav with a tempo up :)
  4. Nxc6 stuff
  1. mic00le97

Accelerated Dragon

1 • mic00le97 •
  1. 8. f3
  2. Accel. Dragon w/ 9. f3
  3. Accel. Dragon - Marozcy Bind - Breyer
  1. mic00le97

accelerated dragon -- yasser's lecture

8 • mic00le97 •
  1. accelerated dragon
  2. maroczy bind
  1. mic00le97


1 • mic00le97 •
  1. ruy lopez xchange
  2. against najdorf
  1. mic00le97

5. Bd3 idea in open sicilian

1 • mic00le97 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. mic00le97

let's beat the sicilian! (smith-morra gambit, morphy gambit)

5 • mic00le97 •
  1. accepted
  2. declined - Nc6
  1. mic00le97

center city games

1 • mic00le97 •
  1. Sulot-b-Mar31,18-Win
  2. Mastin-b-Mar31,18-Win
  3. Strobel-w-Apr14,18-Win
  4. Atlee-b,Mar31,18-Win
  1. mic00le97

Dirty Chess Tricks against Sicilian defense - 1 (Dragon Variation)

2 • mic00le97 •
  1. The setup :)
  2. ...8. Knight g4?
  3. ...8. Knight d7
  4. ...8. Knight d5??
  1. mic00le97