Krishan Paterson vs Srinivas Rath
1 • krishan_paterson •- The queens gambit london stirkes again
- krishan_paterson
Pure Queen's Gambit
1 • krishan_paterson •- Accepted variation: Nf3
- Accepted pure mainline
- Early Bg4
- 2. Nf6
- krishan_paterson
Krishan Paterson vs David James
1 • krishan_paterson •- what i felt was drawn the whole way
- krishan_paterson
Not the best opening but then a lot of best moves into a crazy ending
1 • krishan_paterson •- krishan_paterson (1919) - trafor (1951)
- krishan_paterson
Prep for various games
1 • krishan_paterson •- London..? no queen's gambit
- Nf6 g6 line
- Ivanchuk, Vassily (2779) - Nevostrujev, Vladimir (2475)
- c6 and e6 lines
- krishan_paterson
Prep For Galo Ceron
1 • krishan_paterson •- The first out of book move Bb6
- The best response
- The most common response to Bb6... 5.c3
- 5.d3
- krishan_paterson
Krishan Paterson vs Dean Fiffe
1 • krishan_paterson •- The 'London fake and bake queen's gambit' strikes again
- krishan_paterson
Ruy Lopez Jaenisch gambit for Dean
1 • krishan_paterson •- d3 line: the mainline
- Nc3 line: Sharper but more dynamic
- krishan_paterson
- ad4nike