
5..h4 in the KID

1 • hotguylooking4mate •
  1. 5..h5/O-O
  2. 5..Nbd7
  3. 6..Nbd7
  4. 5..Nc6
  1. hotguylooking4mate
  2. Anelima

Gligoric KID

1 • hotguylooking4mate •
  1. 6..c5
  2. 6..Nc6
  3. 6..Nbd7
  4. Gligoric 7..Nc6
  1. hotguylooking4mate
  2. Anelima

hotguylooking4mate's Study

1 • hotguylooking4mate •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. SomeGuy - AYRAM_85_MARYA
  3. dojolesdanilo - SomeGuy
  1. hotguylooking4mate

Keres Memorial 2023

1 • hotguylooking4mate •
  1. Me vs 1540
  2. 1475 vs Me
  3. 1472 vs Me
  4. Me vs 1090
  1. Talon_IV
  2. MerovingianChess
  3. wodwodwod
  4. Tonbosan

SomeGuy's Modern Scandi Slaughter

1 • hotguylooking4mate •
  1. Main lines against Qd6 Nf6 g6 Scandi
  2. Main setup against Qd6 g6 a6 Scandi
  3. Main line against 6. Nb5 Qd8 in g6 Scandi
  1. Talon_IV
  2. hotguylooking4mate

The Ruy Lopez

4 • hotguylooking4mate •
  1. Ruy Lopez: Caro Variation (3.a6 4.b5)
  2. Ruy Lopez: Caro Trap (3.a6 4.b5)
  3. Ruy Lopez: Classical Variation #1 (3.Bc5)
  4. Ruy Lopez: Berlin (4.Qe2)
  1. hotguylooking4mate
  2. PolaBryson

Bishop's Gambit

1 • hotguylooking4mate •
  1. 1: BGA 3..Nf6 Cozio w/ Bg4
  2. 2:BGA 3..Nf6 w/ Be7
  3. 3:BGA 3..d6
  4. 4: BGA 3..Qh4+
  1. hotguylooking4mate

hotguylooking4mate's Study

1 • hotguylooking4mate •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. hotguylooking4mate

Opening Repertoire: King's Gambit

1 • hotguylooking4mate •
  1. Chapter 1: 3..Nf6 with some computer lines
  2. Chapter 2: 3..d5
  3. Chapter 3: 3..Qh4+ with 4. Nc3
  1. hotguylooking4mate