

1 • grandstudies •
  1. grandstudies (2289) - Anon.
  1. grandstudies

Raphael Dutch, 3...d5 4.Bxf6

1 • grandstudies •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. grandstudies

6...Bf5 in Panov, 7.Qb3??

1 • grandstudies •
  1. SalehiMehdi (2441) - grandstudies (2405)
  1. grandstudies


1 • grandstudies •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  1. grandstudies

Crazy One-Mover Tactic on GothamChess Stream

1 • grandstudies •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. grandstudies

My Immortal

1 • grandstudies •
  1. Immortal
  2. Saikai - Me
  1. grandstudies

Euwe Attack 1.e4 c6 2.b3!?

1 • grandstudies •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. grandstudies

Chess 960 Games

1 • grandstudies •
  1. Grand4378 - qgg100
  2. DKSystem2 - Grand4378
  1. grandstudies

The Endgame Technique of a Grandmaster ||BULLET||

1 • grandstudies •
  1. biff4317 (2620) - GM BIZOO (2788)
  1. aTTaCkinGCHEssplAYER
  2. grandstudies
  3. SAHKAston

GrandStudies's Study

1 • grandstudies •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. grandstudies

Stafford Gambit

1 • grandstudies •
  1. Introduction & Theory
  2. Resources
  3. gavalanche20 (1840) - GrandStudies (2050)
  4. sev4n4t0r (2300) - GrandStudies (2310)
  1. pranaygovin
  2. grandstudies
  3. SAHKAston

Exploiting Squares: English 6.e3 (IN PROGRESS)

1 • grandstudies •
  1. Introduction
  2. Theory 7...h5
  3. Theory 7...Qd3
  4. Nakamura, Hikaru (2760) - Fressinet, Laurent (2700)
  1. grandstudies

Analyze Games For Fun & Instructional Value

1 • grandstudies •
  1. Grand4378 - carlos24780
  2. GrandStudies - Boris-Trapsky
  3. der_Leo1234 - Rookie1243
  4. FM SALVA-DALI-07 - FM EddieMarsalla
  1. grandstudies


3 • grandstudies •
  1. Introduction to Mieses-Indian
  2. Introduction to 1...d5, 1...c5, 1...Nf6
  3. 1...d5, 1...c5, 1...Nf6
  1. grandstudies

Mieses Test Games

2 • grandstudies •
  1. Mieses Study
  2. Grand4378 - LuckyJordan
  3. GrandStudies - chessfru
  4. Grand4378 - Astronomer888
  1. grandstudies

Janowski Games

1 • grandstudies •
  1. a2noke - Grand4378
  2. kikkermarinus - Grand4378
  3. danieldebernardi - Grand4378
  4. uglyeddy - Grand4378
  1. grandstudies