
practise positions

0 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. a calculation excirsise Very hard
  1. grandmasterjunior

a repetoire of gambits

1 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. white the blackmar diemar
  1. grandmasterjunior

Game analysis

1 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. Anonymous (2200) - Simon Williams (2450)
  2. LyonBeast(2730) - Astaneh(2480)
  1. grandmasterjunior

Instructive blitz games

1 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. Playing with the IQP
  1. grandmasterjunior

beautiful studies by me

4 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. black to move and find quickest way to mate
  2. White to move and find quickest way to mate
  1. grandmasterjunior

master games analyzed

1 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. Mikhail Tal - Mikhail Botvinnik
  2. Ulyanovskyy, Vladimir - Pereira, Ruben
  1. grandmasterjunior

An interesting repetoire for white.

3 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. The true reversed myers defense.
  2. The true reversed myers defense 2. d5
  3. KID setup
  4. QGD setup
  1. grandmasterjunior

Glorney analysis

1 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. Teo Lutard- Jacob Flynn
  2. Peter Carroll-Matthieu Hingouet.
  3. Nathan Weisman- Daniil Zelenchuk
  4. Dermot Nolan- Thomas Naillou
  1. grandmasterjunior

irish championships round 5

2 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. Lopez- O donnell
  2. baburin- Murray
  3. short- collins
  4. delaney-moran
  1. grandmasterjunior

Irish open weekend championships analysis

2 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. White vs Joe O hanlon
  2. Darragh Moran- Sean Murphy
  1. grandmasterjunior

Ireland at the Batumi olympiad

1 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. Rehan-Baburin R1B1
  2. Karjakin- Baburin R2B1
  1. grandmasterjunior

World Championship Analysis

4 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. Caruana, Fabiano - Carlsen, Magnus
  2. Carlsen, Magnus - Caruana, Fabiano
  3. Caruana, Fabiano - Carlsen, Magnus
  4. Carlsen, Magnus - Caruana, Fabiano
  1. grandmasterjunior

analysis of GM vs amateur games

1 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. Jacob Flynn- Ante Saric
  2. Gavin Melagh- Matthew Turner
  1. grandmasterjunior

endgames for analysis

1 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. Aronian - Bacrot 1-0 2005
  1. grandmasterjunior

4NCL analysis

1 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. Simon Lawrence- Rajeiv Ratnesan
  2. Sean Murphy - David Scott
  3. Brian Dinter - Sean Murphy
  4. Peter Thomson -Sean Murphy
  1. SimonLawrence
  2. grandmasterjunior

Correspondance games

1 • grandmasterjunior •
  1. Game 1
  2. Chapter 4
  1. grandmasterjunior