
Middle-Game Ideas.

2 • checker99 •
  1. Focusing on a weak pawn wins the game.
  2. Minor Piece War.
  3. Knowing how to improve your pieces by using forcing moves.
  4. Exploiting weaknesses and squares.
  1. joezerneem
  2. checker99
  3. BorisOspasky
  4. Feniks714

checker99's Study

1 • checker99 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. checker99

MCC CFC Online Rapid 12 - Open

1 • checker99 •
  1. Idiot for playing Dutch against 2100
  2. Game proves I need to learn more endgames.
  3. Caro Kann Karpov Variation. With a utterly pointless endgame.
  4. Worst tournament ever.
  1. Slimnico1
  2. checker99