
Game study

1 • ccecc •
  1. HealthyCable - pedro021217
  1. ccecc

Blunder HoF

1 • ccecc •
  1. Missed mate in 4
  2. Blundered a piece
  3. bad opening
  4. hung mate
  1. ccecc

saemisch king's indian

1 • ccecc •
  1. Boris Spassky - Larry Melvyn Evans
  2. Chris de Ronde - Hendrik Hermanus Kamstra
  3. Mikhail Tal - Alexander Kazimirovich Tolush
  4. Smbat Gariginovich Lputian - Garry Kasparov
  1. ccecc

How to refute the Bowdler attack

2 • ccecc •
  1. d4 before castling
  2. castling before d4
  3. nc3 and nf3
  4. more creative ideas for white
  1. ccecc

stafford gambit reply

1 • ccecc •
  1. Stockfish best moves after 5.. Bc5
  2. 6.. Qd4
  1. ccecc

exchange ruy lopez

1 • ccecc •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. ccecc

Starting out: the ruy lopez

1 • ccecc •
  1. Game #1 : Zbynek Hracek (2596) - Vladimir Kramnik (2809)
  2. Game #2 : Laurent Fressinet (2581) - Constantin Ionescu (2504)
  3. Game #3 : Francisco Vallejo Pons (2635) - Paul Motwani (2525)
  1. ccecc

ccecc's Study

1 • ccecc •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. ccecc

queen sac / smothered mate that Stockfish found

1 • ccecc •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. ccecc

Game study

1 • ccecc •
  1. ccecc - Laticello
  1. ccecc