

1 • andrea_cerasoli03 •
  1. Facing the queen's indian
  2. facing the KID
  3. Queen's gambit accepted
  4. Facing the slav
  1. andrea_cerasoli03

battere la francese con la tarrash

5 • andrea_cerasoli03 •
  1. tarrash
  2. 4.Cfd7, 9.Cf4
  3. 4..Cfd7 con 9.exf6
  4. 4..Cfd7, 9.exf6 parte 2
  1. andrea_cerasoli03

Caro kann- Gotham chess

5 • andrea_cerasoli03 •
  1. Caro-Kann - Repertoire Overview
  2. Exchange Caro - Quick-Starter
  3. Panov-Botvinnik Attack - Quick-Starter
  4. Classical Caro Nc3/Nd2 - Quick-Starter
  1. Ulivi_chess
  2. andrea_cerasoli03

Gambits for black against other first moves

1 • andrea_cerasoli03 •
  1. Facing 1.b3
  2. facing the Reti
  3. Facing the english
  4. Englund gambit
  1. simofrescu
  2. andrea_cerasoli03

Albin counter gambit

1 • andrea_cerasoli03 •
  1. 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3
  2. Facing the london
  3. facing the Stonewall
  4. Albin 3.cxd5
  1. andrea_cerasoli03

Portuguese Gambit

1 • andrea_cerasoli03 •
  1. 1.e4 d5 2.e5
  2. 2.Nc3
  3. facing the Tennyson gambit
  4. facing the Blackmar-Diemer gambit
  1. andrea_cerasoli03

CH 3: E4 E5 black gambits

1 • andrea_cerasoli03 •
  1. 2 knights defence
  2. scotch
  3. Facing the scotch gambit
  4. facing the Ponziani
  1. andrea_cerasoli03

Game study

1 • andrea_cerasoli03 •
  1. andrea_cerasoli03 - StefanySofia2003
  1. andrea_cerasoli03

czech benoni

1 • andrea_cerasoli03 •
  1. Cap1: 6Ad3
  2. Cap2: 6g3
  3. Cap3: 6Ad3-7h3
  4. Cap4: 6Ce2
  1. andrea_cerasoli03

andrea_cerasoli03's Study

1 • andrea_cerasoli03 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Zukertort-Blackboure
  1. Ulivi_chess
  2. andrea_cerasoli03