
An echo of a queen sac on d7

1 • achja •
  1. Alexander Alekhine - Edgar Colle
  2. Garry Kasparov - Anatoly Karpov
  1. achja

Game study

1 • achja •
  1. tawada (2196) - CaptainBen1 (2082)
  1. achja
  2. CaptainBen1

Ahlberg - Rubinstein variation of the game

1 • achja •
  1. Algot Ahlberg - Akiba Rubinstein
  1. achja

wojtek_pl - achja

1 • achja •
  1. wojtek_pl (1545) - achja (2259?)
  1. achja
  2. wojtek_pl

Kataphronantropos - achja

1 • achja •
  1. Kataphronantropos (2130) - achja (2321)
  1. achja
  2. Kataphronantropos

One of the first things I ever learned : Careful about pushing the f pawn

1 • achja •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. achja
  2. CassandraSante
  3. PrestonX

PrestonX vs achja

1 • achja •
  1. PrestonX (1500?) - achja (2259?)
  1. achja
  2. PrestonX

Annotated game - 17 August 2023

2 • achja •
  1. achja (2321) - AphexTw1n (1965)
  1. achja
  2. TheOneWithoutASoul

Pawn ending from game

1 • achja •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. achja

Fischer and Nievergelt

1 • achja •
  1. Robert James Fischer - Ulf Andersson
  2. Nievergelt, Erwin - Keres, Paul
  3. Louis Paulsen - Goering Carl Theodor
  4. Mark Taimanov - Artur Yusupov
  1. achja

achja vs PrestonX

1 • achja •
  1. achja (2259) - PrestonX (1500)
  1. achja
  2. PrestonX

Puzzles : reflections from the past

2 • achja •
  1. Mikenas - Bronstein, 1965
  2. Puzzle from Steps method, Saturday 12th of August 2023
  1. achja

Just checking something with tablebases

1 • achja •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. achja

A.Yusupov - A.Rustemov, Bastia (Rapid) 2004

2 • achja •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. achja

PrestonX vs achja

2 • achja •
  1. PrestonX (1500) - achja (2259)
  1. achja
  2. PrestonX

Examples of playing according to the pawn structures

2 • achja •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  1. achja
  2. PrestonX