
ZugAddict's e4 e5

1 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. Scholar's Mate
  2. Chapter 2
  1. darkspur
  2. NM ZugAddict

Endgame Study

1 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. NM ZugAddict

Play 1...b6, or don't, either really

3 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. NM ZugAddict

Fischer vs. Karpov

6 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. Karpov, Anatoly - Fischer, Robert James
  2. Fischer, Robert James - Karpov, Anatoly
  3. Karpov, Anatoly - Fischer, Robert James
  4. Fischer, Robert James - Karpov, Anatoly
  1. NM ZugAddict

January Titled Area

2 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. FM LagraveSamuell (2724) - GM Night-King96 (3143)
  1. NM ZugAddict

Molechess Games

1 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. ? - ?
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Garland Brigitte(*) Keely - ZugAddict(*) Rachell Lucius
  4. ZugAddict Alisa(*) Arletta - Burma Gabriel(*) Alva
  1. NM ZugAddict

Lichess October Titled Arena

101 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. GM RebeccaHarris (3133) - GM Night-King96 (3168)
  2. IM Katarina0TP (2964) - GM Night-King96 (3169)
  3. GM Night-King96 (3164) - FM elm20o7 (2868)
  1. NM ZugAddict
  2. Yeltcki

Spellchess Studies

3 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. Mate in Four (spells: one sacrifice)
  2. Mate in Five (spells: one check, one sacrifice)
  3. White to Play and Win (spells: 1 check, 1 sacrifice)
  4. White to Play and Win (spells: 1 check, 1 sacrifice)
  1. IM Spinaltap
  2. NM ZugAddict

Puzzles (again)

2 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  1. NM ZugAddict

Amusing Finishes

67 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. That Escalated Quickly, Part I
  2. That Escalated Quickly, Part II
  3. That Escalated Quickly, Part III
  4. That Escalated Quickly, Part IV
  1. NM ZugAddict


3 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. Helpmate in Two Moves
  2. Helpmate in Two Moves
  3. Helpmate in Two Moves
  4. Helpmate in Three Moves
  1. NM ZugAddict

Three Check Theory

1 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. e4 e5 is a bad idea
  2. Pirc Related Accidents
  3. French Disconnections
  4. Caro Kant
  1. NM ZugAddict

Zug's Top 40

9 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. The Zug Immortal
  2. The Schliemann Immortal
  3. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
  4. French Toast: Stockfish Goes Down
  1. NM ZugAddict

Gratuitous Queen Sacs

4 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. M2 on h7 (h-file breakthrough)
  2. Simple M2 on h2 (h-file breakthrough)
  3. Simple M2 on h7 (h-fle breakthrough)
  4. Simple M3 on h7 (h-file breakthrough)
  1. NM ZugAddict

Interesting Endgames

3 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. DDK-1 - NM ZugAddict
  2. Iguben - NM ZugAddict
  3. NM ZugAddict - Imspartacus1991
  4. soroushasn - NM ZugAddict
  1. NM ZugAddict

King Hunts

3 • NM ZugAddict •
  1. NM ZugAddict - Pavel23
  2. NM ZugAddict - gollydali
  3. NM ZugAddict - evameszarosova
  4. soroushasn - NM ZugAddict
  1. NM ZugAddict