PCCA Chess quiz#2 Guess the opening.
1 • Raghunandan75 •- Is it the worst ?
- The Gambit?
- The fried chicken opening?
- The Scam opening?
- Raghunandan75
PCCA Chess Quiz #1
1 • Raghunandan75 •- Who's winning?
- Is it a draw?
- No of moves to checkmate?
- Is it really winning?
- Raghunandan75
Qgd exchange variation
1 • Raghunandan75 •- The Introduction
- Carlsbad pawn structure
- Piece placement
- Raghunandan75
The Berlin defence
2 • Raghunandan75 •- The Introduction
- The Berlin wall
- Draw lines by GM's
- The Rio gambit
- Raghunandan75
The Fried Liver Attack
1 • Raghunandan75 •- What is the Fried Liver Attack
- Bxd5 is a blunder
- VariUlvestad ation
- Bxb5 is a mistake
- Raghunandan75
Classical tournament preparation
1 • Raghunandan75 •- White Repertoire
- g4 idea in the semi slav
- French defence long line
- Outpost
- Raghunandan75
The English opening Revised
2 • Raghunandan75 •- The English opening Revised
- Why English opening
- Black's responses
- Statistics
- Raghunandan75