
Chapter 3 Mate in two moves

1 • Quan2009 •
  1. 3.1.1 Targeting
  2. 3.1.2 Chasing
  3. 3.1.3 Luring
  4. Targeting and chasing
  1. Quan2009

Chapter 2 Win a piece in two moves

1 • Quan2009 •
  1. 2.1.1 Double attack
  2. 2.1.2 The skewer
  3. 2.1.3 The discovered attack
  4. 2.1.4 Elimination of the denfence
  1. Quan2009

Chapter 1. Mate in one move

1 • Quan2009 •
  1. 1.1.1 Mate with a sole queen- The king in the corner
  2. 1.1.1 Mate with a sole queen- Mate the king on the rim
  3. 1.1.1 Mate with a sole queen- Mate the king on centre
  4. 1.1.2 Mate with queen and king
  1. Quan2009

101 Chess Endgame Tips

1 • Quan2009 •
  1. Tip 81The Principle of Two Weakness Revisited
  2. Tip 82 Pawn- Structure Subtleties
  3. Tip 83.1 More Breakthroughs
  1. Quan2009

Chess Training Pocket II

1 • Quan2009 •
  1. 261
  2. 262
  3. 263
  1. Quan2009