
Knight Endings

2 • Pantho25 •
  1. Theory 1
  2. Theory 2
  3. Theory 3
  4. Exercise 1
  1. Pantho25

Blockade in the Endgame

1 • Pantho25 •
  1. Theory 1
  2. Theory 2
  3. Theory 3
  1. Pantho25

King Activity in the Endgame

2 • Pantho25 •
  1. Theory 1
  2. Theory 2
  3. Theory 3
  4. Exercise 1
  1. Pantho25

Exchanging Pieces in the Endgame

2 • Pantho25 •
  1. Theory 1
  2. Theory 2
  3. Theory 3
  4. Exercise 1
  1. Pantho25

Exchanging Pawns in the Endgame

1 • Pantho25 •
  1. Theory
  2. Theory 2
  3. Theory 3
  4. Exercise 1
  1. Pantho25

Doubled Pawns in the Endgame

1 • Pantho25 •
  1. Theory 1
  2. Theory 2
  3. Theory 3
  4. Exercise 1
  1. Pantho25

Connected Passed Pawns in the Endgame

1 • Pantho25 •
  1. Theory 1
  2. Theory 2
  3. Theory 3
  1. Pantho25

Bishop vs Knight Endings: Bishop Is Better

1 • Pantho25 •
  1. Theory 1
  2. Theory 2
  3. Theory 3
  4. Exercise 1
  1. Pantho25

Bishop vs Knight Endings: Knight Is Better

1 • Pantho25 •
  1. Theory 1
  2. Theory 2
  3. Theory 3
  4. Exercise 1
  1. Pantho25

Caro-Kann Defense

2 • Pantho25 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Caro-Kann Defence: Classical Variation (Main Line)
  3. Karpov Variation 4...Nd7
  4. Caro-Kann Defence:Korchnoi Variation
  1. Pantho25

Ruy Lopez Opening

1 • Pantho25 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Morphy Defence : 3. ..... a6
  3. Berlin Defence : 3. ..... Nf6
  4. Barlin Defence : Variation of 5. ..... Nd6
  1. Pantho25

Traxler Counter Attack

1 • Pantho25 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. 6. Kxf2
  3. 9. Bxd5
  4. 7. Ke2
  1. Pantho25

Fried Liver Attack

1 • Pantho25 •
  1. Fried Liver Attack: The Basics of Fried Liver Attack
  2. Fried Liver Attack: A perfect Fried Liver
  3. Fried Liver Attack: Variations and black responses.
  1. Pantho25

The Italian Game

2 • Pantho25 •
  1. What is Italian Game?
  2. Black's response without theory
  3. Fried Liver Attack
  4. To avoid Fried Liver Attack (Na5 Polerio Defense)
  1. Pantho25

French Defense

1 • Pantho25 •
  1. What is French Defense?
  2. French Mainline
  3. Main line : Exchange Variation
  4. Main line : Advance Variation
  1. Pantho25

Kings Indian Attack

1 • Pantho25 •
  1. What Is Grunfeld?
  2. Reversed Grünfeld ...e5
  3. Reversed Grünfeld - Anti Tarash শিখি
  4. Reversed Grünfeld - Anti Tarash - চর্চা করি
  1. Pantho25