
My Complete defence for Black 1.. Nc6

1 • MyloveMumbai •
  1. 1 Kaidanov vs Miles
  2. 2 Weinitschke vs Bogoljubow
  3. 3. Teichmann vs Chigorin
  4. 4 Pillsbury vs Chigorin
  1. MyloveMumbai

French Defense Simon Williams

1 • MyloveMumbai •
  1. Tarrash Variation
  2. Universal System Tarrasch
  3. The Rogue A Pawn (Tarrasch French)
  4. The Classical Variation
  1. MyloveMumbai

Theory of French Defence for Personal Coaching

1 • MyloveMumbai •
  1. 1. e4 .. e6 2. b3 (Miscellaneous lines)
  2. 1. e4 .. e6 2. f4
  3. 1. e4 .. e6 2. d3 (closed system)
  4. 1. e4 .. e6 2. Qe2 (closed system)
  1. nandus2013
  2. Harshi_2011
  3. jiyansh_2014
  4. Daivik11

Damiano's Trap

1 • MyloveMumbai •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. MyloveMumbai
  2. Ivaan_TG

French Defence

1 • MyloveMumbai •
  1. Game 1 Grischuck vs Gurevich Advanced Variations
  2. Game 2 Nakamura vs Yannick
  3. Game 3 Sveshnikov vs Martinez
  4. Game 4 Gallagher vs Vaganian Tarrasch Variation
  1. Daivik11
  2. MyloveMumbai
  3. yashmitsawant2507
  4. nandus2013

English Opening

1 • MyloveMumbai •
  1. Game 1 Ruck vs Markus The Hedgehog
  2. Game 2 Johannessen vs Schmaltz
  3. Game 3 Anand vs Adams (Not required to be prepared for now)
  4. Game 4 Krasenkow vs Markowski (not required to be prepared for now)
  1. Daivik11
  2. MyloveMumbai
  3. yashmitsawant2507
  4. nandus2013

Ch 4 Simple Pawn Endings

1 • MyloveMumbai •
  1. King n Pawan vs King
  1. MyloveMumbai

Chapter 3 Basic Opening Principles

1 • MyloveMumbai •
  1. A Meek vs Paul Morphy
  2. S Buecker vs A Yusupov
  1. MyloveMumbai

MyloveMumbai's Study

1 • MyloveMumbai •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. MyloveMumbai

Chapter 2 Buildup

1 • MyloveMumbai •
  1. Legal
  2. Legal type
  3. Damiano's mate
  4. Damiano's mate 2
  1. MyloveMumbai