
Fructose-Pear's Losses and How to Avoid Them

1 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. goodgoose - Fructose-Pear
  2. Fructose-Pear - Alejandro21st
  1. Mate_on_f7

Fun Endgames from Syzygy

1 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. KQ vs KQ
  2. KNN vs KN
  3. KRN vs KQ... but RN wins
  4. KBN vs KQ
  1. Mate_on_f7

Game study

1 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. Mate_On_f7 - Linardator
  1. Mate_on_f7

Good game, right?

1 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. Mate_on_f7


1 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. White - 1. e4 e5 2. f4! [UNFINISHED]
  2. Black - 1. d4 d5 2. c4
  3. White - 1. e4 e6
  1. KothStudies
  2. Mate_on_f7

KOTH Openings Comprehensive

1 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. 1. e4 c5 2. d4 cxd3 3. c3
  1. Mate_on_f7

KOTH System Opening?

1 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. KOTH System Mainline
  2. White - e4
  3. Anti-Sicillian (5. Bb5)
  4. Anti-Caro (d3 exception, triple gambit + knight sac)
  1. Mate_on_f7

King of the Hill - Duras Theory (For Black)

1 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. Duras - Accepted, Main line
  1. Mate_on_f7

Knight Exercise

5 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. Knight maneuver basics 1
  2. Knight maneuver basics 2
  3. Chapter 1
  1. Mate_on_f7

Knight Games

2 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. Knight Game 1
  2. Knight Game 1 Explanation
  1. Mate_on_f7

KotH Puzzles

1 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. Puzzle #1
  2. Puzzle #1.5
  1. Mate_on_f7

KotH960 Games v Stockfish

0 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. Position 451, White Mate_on_f7, Unlimited
  1. Mate_on_f7

Mate_On_f7's NEW Bongcloud theory (JOKE)

1 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. 3. d3!
  2. 8. Nc4!
  1. Mate_on_f7

Mate_On_f7's Study

1 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. Mate_on_f7

Mate_On_f7's Study

1 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. Mate_on_f7

Mate_On_f7's Study

1 • Mate_on_f7 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. Mate_on_f7