
Stafford Gambit

1 • JustA012CheesePlayer •
  1. Stafford Gambit Basics d3 Bg4/5 mate
  2. Stafford Gambit Basics e5
  3. Stafford Gambit Basics Nc3 6. d3
  4. Stafford Gambit Basics Nc3 6. Bc4 and Be2
  1. JustA012CheesePlayer

Accelerated Dragon

1 • JustA012CheesePlayer •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  1. JustA012CheesePlayer

Mating With a Bishop and Knight

1 • JustA012CheesePlayer •
  1. How to
  2. A game
  1. JustA012CheesePlayer

Vatnos' Lemur Gambit (Blackmar Diemer)

1 • JustA012CheesePlayer •
  1. Main Line
  2. 6... Bf5 and 8... e6
  3. 6... Bf5 and 7... Bc8
  4. 6... e6 and 7... Bd6
  1. JustA012CheesePlayer