
Queen's gambit - master database

1 • Infobets •
  1. 1. ...d5 - QGA
  2. 1. ...Nf6 - Marshall attack
  3. d5 -
  1. Infobets

3 open schaakopeningen - Jakow B Estrin

1 • Infobets •
  1. Loperspel - 2 Bc5
  1. Infobets

Sicilian Dragon Mainlines

1 • Infobets •
  1. Mainline, "yugoslav"
  2. Positional queenside castle
  3. Classical variation 1
  4. Classical variation 2
  1. Infobets

Sicilian for a win!

1 • Infobets •
  1. Mainline with Nf3 and d4
  2. Mainline with Nf3, c3 and d4
  3. c3 no Nf3
  4. Closed positions
  1. Infobets

London system master lines

1 • Infobets •
  1. Mainline
  2. Early c5 line
  3. Nc6 line
  4. Versus Kings Indian Defence
  1. Infobets

Danish Gambit - Infobets

1 • Infobets •
  1. Chapter 2
  1. Infobets