
Atomic openings: Reversed Boat (後手船囲い)

7 • Illion •
  1. Introduction
  2. Other second moves: 2...d6?, 2...d5?, 2...e6?!
  3. Mainline -- 3. Bd3 Qb6
  4. Sideline -- 3. Bd3 Qa5?!
  1. Illion

Rules of atomic

28 • Illion •
  1. Captures
  2. En passant
  3. King explosion > check
  4. Illegal moves
  1. Illion

New to nuke: Opening knight tactics

93 • Illion •
  1. Ne5 fork/Ne5-d7xf8#
  2. Ng5-f7-d6+
  3. Ne6 fork, "epaulette fork"
  4. Ne6 fork, "corner fork"
  1. Illion

New to nuke: Opening queen tactics

286 • Illion •
  1. "Atomic Fool's mate"
  2. Qh5, "Fool's mate"
  3. Qh5-d5-# fork
  4. Qf3-d5-# fork
  1. Illion

New to nuke: Rook invasions

4 • Illion •
  1. Mate pattern with a rook
  2. The 2x2 rule
  3. Lack of space 1
  4. Lack of space 2
  1. Illion

Atomic endgames: Pawnitisation

41 • Illion •
  1. Pawnitisation - the idea
  2. Passed pawns = no draw
  3. Analysis: bad3crazy-Illion
  4. Fixing pawns
  1. Illion

AWC 2017 Round 1 (top half)

4 • Illion •
  1. Matches 1, 4, 5, 6
  2. Match 2 Game 1 (venuslippe - MINISTEROFMAGIC)
  3. Match 2 Game 2
  4. Match 2 Game 3
  1. Illion

AWC 2017 Round 1 (bottom half)

5 • Illion •
  1. Match 7 Game 1 (ChessWhiz - Teentra)
  2. Match 7 Game 2
  3. Match 7 Game 3
  4. Match 7 Game 4
  1. Illion

AWC 2017 Round 2 (top half)

8 • Illion •
  1. Matches 13, 16
  2. Match 14 Game 1 (NukeTheKing - pablito1970)
  3. Match 14 Game 2
  4. Match 14 Game 3
  1. Illion

AWC 2017 Round 2 (bottom half)

7 • Illion •
  1. Matches 21, 25
  2. Match 22 Game 1 (Illion - LeopardCheetah)
  3. Match 22 Game 2
  1. Illion

AWC 2017 Round 3

6 • Illion •
  1. Match 35
  2. Match 29 Game 1 (LM onubense - dpalm)
  3. Match 29 Game 2
  4. Match 29 Game 3
  1. Illion

Atomic openings: 天馬行空 (Fantasy knight)

16 • Illion •
  1. Introduction
  2. Mainline -- 6. Nxc7
  3. Mainline -- 6. Nxa7
  1. Illion

Atomic tactics: Basic

4 • Illion •
  1. --- Basic puzzles ---
  2. Illion - Tiest
  3. smcheckmate - joatmon
  4. OctopusKnight - rdaysky
  1. Illion

seberg's atomic opening book

4 • Illion •
  1. Atomic Opening Book by seberg
  2. 1.Nf3
  3. 1.e3
  4. 1.e4
  1. Illion

AWC 2017 Round 4 (Quarterfinals)

13 • Illion •
  1. Round 4
  2. Match 37 Game 1 (kreedz - LM onubense)
  3. Match 37 Game 2
  4. Match 37 Game 3
  1. Illion

Atomic endgames: Rule of the rectangle (KP v K, KPP v KP)

23 • Illion •
  1. KP v K - basics
  2. Rule of the rectangle
  3. Rule of the rectangle - practice
  4. Rule of the rectangle - practice
  1. Illion