
Strategic Aspects of Epic World Championship matches

2 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. Introduction
  2. pos 1
  3. Karpov did not shy away from complicated play
  4. pos 1
  1. MasteroftheArts
  2. Fishingoutgreatlines

Core Elements of Chess Strategy part 2

2 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. pos 1
  2. pos 2
  3. black needed to change the structure
  4. pos 1
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines

Core Elements of chess strategy part 1

2 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. The themes in this study that will be discussed
  2. position 1
  3. Position 2
  4. pos 3
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines

The Ruy Lopez Berlin Endgame sucks for black

2 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. Introduction
  2. Berlin Endgame 9.Nc3 Bd7 sides
  3. Berlin Endgame 9.Nc3 Bd7 Main 11...Kc8 sides
  4. Berlin Endgame 9.Nc3 Bd7 Main 11...Kc8 12.Bb2 b6
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines

Crush them all with the Nimzo Indian

10 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. Nimzo 4.e3-5.Bd2/4.Bd2
  2. Nimzo 4.e3 Larsen - 8...Nc6 without 9.a3
  3. Nimzo 4.e3 Larsen - 8...Nc6 9.a3 Ba5 tabiya
  4. Nimzo 4.e3 Larsen - 10.Qd3 main line
  1. MasteroftheArts
  2. Fishingoutgreatlines

pawn structure masterclass part 2

3 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. position 1
  2. attacking the white king in the Rauzer
  3. position 1
  4. position 2
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines
  2. Sam-K

pawn structure masterclass

3 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. Introduction
  2. Black has a plan in the Winawer
  3. position 1
  4. black c4 idea in Winawer
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines
  2. Sam-K


1 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. Carlsen vs Anand game
  2. Carlsen vs Anand f6 line
  3. Carlsen vs Anand f5 line
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines

making decent opening repertoire

2 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. Introduction to the topic
  2. The Open Spanish Dillworth Qd6 and Bg4
  3. The open Spanish Dillworth Qd7
  4. Open Spanish d4 Be7
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines

Crush the Petroff with Sam Shankland's recommendation

1 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. Main line Bd3 Bd6 9.Re1 Bf5
  2. Main line Bd3 Bd6 9.Re1 Re8
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines

rauzer zone endgame you must know. wrong rook pawn

2 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. Goal of the defender
  2. The goal of the side with the bishop
  3. basic rauser zone
  4. extended rauser zone
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines

GM level prep: The Grunfeld

4 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. g3 setups
  2. f3 setups
  3. h4 setups
  4. Bf4 setups
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines
  2. Sam-K

The French defense for black

1 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. 3.Nc3
  2. 3.e5
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines

Grunfeld New Ideas

2 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. The exchange variation with 6...Bg7 and 7.Nf3
  2. The exchange variation with 6...Bg7 7. Bc4 and 8.Ne2(The line I play as white)
  3. 3.Nf3 Bg7
  4. 3.h4
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines

Complete 1.e4 e5 repetoire for black

1 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. Petroff
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines

The ultimate guide against the French

2 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. The main plan after 3.Nd2
  2. 3...c5
  3. 3...Nf6 The move that I always have trouble with
  4. 3...Nc6
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines
  2. Sam-K