
Introduction to Tactics — The Pin

1 • Chessucation •
  1. Absolute and Relative Pins
  2. Ganging Up on a Pinned Piece
  3. Ganging Up on a Piece in Relative Pin
  4. Using pins to Attack!
  1. Chessucation

Introduction to Tactics — Double Attacks

2 • Chessucation •
  1. Double Attack
  2. Forks!
  3. Killer Knives — Double Attacks By Bishops
  4. Sneaky Forks
  1. Chessucation

Advanced Opening Principles

8 • Chessucation •
  1. Principle 1: Occupy and Attack the Center!
  2. Good and bad moves
  3. Good Knights and Bad Knights
  4. Principle 2: Get Your King out of the center!
  1. Chessucation
  2. MrAndMrSmith

Famous Checkmates

1 • Chessucation •
  1. Boden's Mate
  2. Anastasia's Mate
  3. Greco's Mate
  4. Legal's Mate
  1. Chessucation

Quick Checkmates

13 • Chessucation •
  1. Fool's Mate
  2. The Fidgety King
  3. The Knight's Dream
  4. Scholar's mate
  1. Chessucation
  2. MrAndMrSmith

Chessucation's Study

1 • Chessucation •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 3
  1. Chessucation

Basic Checkmating Patterns

6 • Chessucation •
  1. Back Rank Checkmate "Rook'n'Roll"
  2. Backrank Checkmate
  3. Smothered Mate - The King in his own prison!
  4. Smothered Mate - A funny example.
  1. Chessucation
  2. MrAndMrSmith