[#]27...g6White has more space, control of the d-file, a pawn majority on the kingside, a weak pawn to target on c4, and a centralized king, but the edge soon fizzles away.28Rxc6?!...This clarification of the situation helps only Black.28.g4!followed by h4 and attacking on the kingside looks to have been best.28...bxc629Rd6Rc830g4Kf8!?31f5?!...Consistent, but the weak e5-pawn will be a major factor in what follows.31.h4!is better.31...Nb7!Finally ousting the rook from its perfect square.32Rd1Re8!Targetting the undefended pawn.33fxg6Rxe5+34Kf4Re735gxf7Rxf7+36Kg3...White's pawn structure is still better, but the advantage is slim.36...Kg737Be4Rf638h4Nc5The double attack on the a4-pawn ties White down.39Bc2Re640Kf4Rf6+41Kg3Re642Bf5Rf643Bc2...A draw by threefold repetition. White could have played on with43.Rd4but afterNbxa444.Rxc4Nxc3the mass simplifications would make it even harder to squeeze out a win.