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1c4+0.3c5+0.82Nc3+0.5d5?!+1.4Inaccuracy. e5 was best.2...e53.d3d6[...]3cxd5+1.8e6+2.54dxe6?+1.2...Mistake. e4 was best.4.e44...Bxe6+1.45Nf3+1.0Nf6+1.36g3?!+0.3...Inaccuracy. e4 was best.6.e4a67.d3[...]6...Nc6+0.27Bg2+0.3Bd6?!+1.0Inaccuracy. h6 was best.7...h68O-O+1.0Ke7+0.29d4+0.9cxd4+0.710Nxd4+1.0Nxd4+0.711Qxd4+1.0Bxg3??+3.6Blunder. Rc8 was best.11...Rc812.Qxa7Bc5[...]12Qxd8++3.2Rhxd8?!+4.3Inaccuracy. Raxd8 was best.12...Raxd813.fxg3Rhg8[...]13hxg3+3.3Kd6??+8.1Blunder. Bf5 was best.13...Bf514.Bg5Kd6[...]14Bf4++6.4Kc5?!+9.0Inaccuracy. Ke7 was best.14...Ke715.Rad115Be3++9.0Kd6+8.616f4+9.4Ng4+11.417Rfd1++11.2Ke7+11.018Bc5++10.6Kf6+9.019Bf3+8.7g5+10.920e3?!+6.9...Inaccuracy. Ne4+ was best.20.Ne4+20...h5+7.421Kf1+6.2h4?!+9.6Inaccuracy. Rac8 was best.21...Rac822.Rxd8Rxd8[...]22Bd4+?!+6.5...Inaccuracy. Ne4+ was best.22.Ne4+22...Kf5??#1Checkmate is now unavoidable. Kg6 was best.22...Kg623.Ke223e4+?!+16.5...Lost forced checkmate sequence. Be4# was best.23.Be4#23...Kg6+16.124f5++16.3Bxf5+17.925exf5++17.0Kxf5+14.126Be4+?!+6.4...Inaccuracy. Bxg4+ was best.26.Bxg4+Kxg427.Ke2[...]26...Ke6+5.827Bg7??#−4...Checkmate is now unavoidable. Re1 was best.27.Re1Rxd428.Bxb7+[...]27...f6#−328Bxf6#−3Nxf6#−229Rd5#−2Rxd5#−130Ke2#−1Ke5#
King in the centre • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated King of the Hill game"] [Site ""] [Date "2025.02.04"] [White "TomyJerry"] [Black "Float32ty"] [Result "0-1"] [GameId "ikTT3eEg"] [UTCDate "2025.02.04"] [UTCTime "09:02:55"] [WhiteElo "2416"] [BlackElo "1991"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-11"] [BlackRatingDiff "+10"] [Variant "King of the Hill"] [TimeControl "60+0"] [ECO "A34"] [Opening "English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Normal Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. c4 c5 2. Nc3 { A34 English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Normal Variation } d5?! { (0.45 → 1.44) Inaccuracy. e5 was best. } (2... e5 3. d3 d6 4. f4 f5 5. Nf3 Nf6 6. e4 Nc6 7. Be2 h6 8. O-O) 3. cxd5 e6 4. dxe6? { (2.54 → 1.24) Mistake. e4 was best. } (4. e4) 4... Bxe6 5. Nf3 Nf6 6. g3?! { (1.30 → 0.31) Inaccuracy. e4 was best. } (6. e4 a6 7. d3 Nc6 8. Bf4 b5 9. Be2 h6 10. h3 b4 11. Na4 c4) 6... Nc6 7. Bg2 Bd6?! { (0.30 → 0.99) Inaccuracy. h6 was best. } (7... h6) 8. O-O Ke7 9. d4 cxd4 10. Nxd4 Nxd4 11. Qxd4 Bxg3?? { (1.02 → 3.60) Blunder. Rc8 was best. } (11... Rc8 12. Qxa7 Bc5 13. Qxb7+ Qd7 14. Qf3 Bg4 15. Qf4 Qf5 16. e4 Qxf4 17. gxf4) 12. Qxd8+ Rhxd8?! { (3.15 → 4.30) Inaccuracy. Raxd8 was best. } (12... Raxd8 13. fxg3 Rhg8 14. h4 h6 15. Bf4 g5 16. hxg5 hxg5 17. Bc7 Ng4 18. Rfd1) 13. hxg3 Kd6?? { (3.30 → 8.07) Blunder. Bf5 was best. } (13... Bf5 14. Bg5 Kd6 15. f4 Kc5 16. Rfd1 Rd3 17. e3 Rad8 18. Na4+ Kb4 19. Rxd3) 14. Bf4+ Kc5?! { (6.39 → 9.00) Inaccuracy. Ke7 was best. } (14... Ke7 15. Rad1) 15. Be3+ Kd6 16. f4 Ng4 17. Rfd1+ Ke7 18. Bc5+ Kf6 19. Bf3 g5 20. e3?! { (10.89 → 6.87) Inaccuracy. Ne4+ was best. } (20. Ne4+) 20... h5 21. Kf1 h4?! { (6.15 → 9.61) Inaccuracy. Rac8 was best. } (21... Rac8 22. Rxd8 Rxd8 23. Bd4+ Ke7 24. Bxb7 Bc4+ 25. Kg2 Ke6 26. Kf3 f5 27. b3) 22. Bd4+?! { (9.61 → 6.48) Inaccuracy. Ne4+ was best. } (22. Ne4+) 22... Kf5?? { (6.48 → Mate in 1) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Kg6 was best. } (22... Kg6 23. Ke2) 23. e4+?! { (Mate in 1 → 16.47) Lost forced checkmate sequence. Be4# was best. } (23. Be4#) 23... Kg6 24. f5+ Bxf5 25. exf5+ Kxf5 26. Be4+?! { (14.09 → 6.42) Inaccuracy. Bxg4+ was best. } (26. Bxg4+ Kxg4 27. Ke2 Rac8 28. Kd3 f5 29. gxh4 a5 30. hxg5 Rxc3+ 31. bxc3 Kxg5) 26... Ke6 27. Bg7?? { (5.75 → Mate in 4) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Re1 was best. } (27. Re1 Rxd4 28. Bxb7+ Ne5 29. Bxa8 Rd8 30. Bg2 Rd3 31. gxh4 gxh4 32. Rad1 Rxd1) 27... f6 28. Bxf6 Nxf6 29. Rd5 Rxd5 30. Ke2 Ke5# { Game ends by variant rule. } 0-1
5 Inaccuracies
1 Mistake
1 Blunder
111 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
5 Inaccuracies
0 Mistakes
3 Blunders
82 Average centipawn loss